Saturday, November 3, 2007

Colon Health And Your Nerves

The nervous system is closely related to bowel health. This can be seen from the fact that if we are nervous - such waiting for an interview - this can easily translate into loose bowels.

More problematic are long term stress and nerve weaknesses which sometimes produce chronic inflammatory bowel conditions. These are most commonly:

* IBS or irritable bowel syndrome

* Diverticulitis

* Colitis

All these are inflammatory conditions of the colon. They are most predominantly found in people who are 'high stress' types. In other words, the constitution of such people is that they don't deal well with stress. You might be a person who reacts with stress to many situations for all to see; or you might be someone who 'bottles up' their stress. In either case, the colon can be affected and inflammation can be easily caused. Also, any inflammation already present - such as that caused by waste food becoming stuck in a small diverticulum, or pocket - can be made worse.

The long term answer in all these conditions includes colon cleansing which almost invariably helps improved bowel function. However, this may be too much to start with on its own, so measures to calm the bowel down must be used either alongside, or before colon cleansing is begun.

The prime methods to 'calm down' the colon are:

1. Supplements to build the nervous system. An example would be a 3 month programme of herbs which are known to build nerve health. For some people this will easily product a dramatic improvement. Other options are a course of homoeopathic treatment or acupuncture.

2. Behavioural and lifestyle measures to deal with, or reduce,stress.

There are various possibilities when considering behavioural and lifestyle changes:

A. If you can see you are producing stress in your life, take measures to reduce this. These commonly include:

i. 'Martyr syndrome'; that is, spending too much time on others. Answer: spend more time on yourself. After all, if you are ill you are no good to yourself or others

ii Overwork; Answer, clearly, is to somehow make it OK to work either less, or less stressfully

B. If you are not quite sure why you produce your stress, ie it 'just happens', you need to break the habit. Valuable aids, if pursued diligently, are one of the various types of meditation, or NLP. The latter is best followed with qualified assistance; however, it can be studied from a book too, and some of its methods are fairly easy to learn, and might produce good effects quickly. To help you practice it on yourself, videos are available. (In the UK you can rent these from the company 'The Anglo American Book Company', located in Wales.)

Regularity Is Essential

Behavioural methods combined with nerve building measures - eg with a 3 month nerve programme - will work very, very well IF you do them regularly, daily, assiduously... for 3 months or more.

As always, the help of alternative practitioners as well as your doctor's advice are invaluable.

Temporary - But Welcome - Relief

Palliative measures - to give relief while the above are taking effect, include:

* Slippery Elm - a miracle aid for colon inflammation. Best is the pure powder (no sugar please!) where you mix a teaspoon to a paste with a little cold water, and add hot water to make a mugful of a drink resembling a thin porridge. This wonderful drink, which can be drunk 2-3 times a day if you wish, will often give relief to inflammation of the bowel within the hour. If the drink sounds awful it is available in additive-free capsules. But... the drink is much better if you can possible take it.

* Cayenne Pepper if there is any bleeding present. Again, a 'specific' herb, in this case to stop bleeding. This works well internally. Best taken with food or a drink - or with the slippery elm drink, to avoid any slight burning.

* Wild yam, a herbal 'antispasmodic' which is sometimes combined with bayberry and agrimony ('astringent' herbs these are anti-inflammatory for the bowel) and other herbs. If you can find this formula, 6 capsules a day have achieved dramatic improvements, and can be used 'symptomatically', ie as and when required, until deeper measures as described above are taking effect.

With a careful plan, colon health which has been compromised by your nervous system has a very good chance of improving with the above measures. Do apply them every day for at least several months. After this time, you will have a good idea of what works for you. This is valuable knowledge which will help you for a lifetime.

Author Resource: Max Hill, a practitioner for over 20 years, has written extensively about colon cleansing for and Take a look today, and get the benefit of Max's valuable knowledge.

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