Saturday, November 10, 2007

Understanding Acid Reflux Difficulty Swallowing

Sometimes, acid reflux is something that is a nuisance, but can be controlled with medications, changes in diet and sleep habits, or possibly by using homeopathic methods. However, when reflux has been left unchecked for some time, or when it is severe, bigger problems can occur. Sinus problems can be a complication, and some sufferers may find that they are prone to respiratory problems because of acid damage within the lungs. Even more troublesome for many is that they have, as a result of acid reflux, difficulty swallowing.

Acid that escapes the stomach and works its way up the esophagus can be very damaging to many of the tissues that it encounters. It can burn and damage the esophagus. The lungs and voice box might not fair too well, and some damage in the throat can scar over. When this scarring occurs, it may not be reversible by just treating your acid reflux. The muscles and tissues must flex for swallowing, and when scarred, they can no longer do that.

If you think you’re having difficulty swallowing as a result of acid reflux, you should make sure you see your doctor. As you can imagine, this is a serious situation that means you need medical evaluation and treatment. Difficulty swallowing can be indications of other more serious conditions and these may need to be ruled out before treatment can begin.

To determine why you’re having difficulty swallowing an endoscopy is usually carried out. This is where a tube with a small camera is inserted into your throat to see what is causing the obstruction in your throat or esophagus. That helps a doctor gauge the damage and also to see what they might have to do to fix it. Many things can happen next. In some cases, they may believe the issue will clear up on its own, and there are times the esophagus can be stretched with a special tool to loosen any tight scar tissue.

When the obstruction is severe, you may face surgery. While treatment is on-going, you may be told to eat only soft foods, to crush your mediations, and to get as many calories as you can in liquid form.

Thankfully, acid reflux difficulty swallowing is actually a very rare occurrence. When reflux is bad enough to cause such damage, it is very painful otherwise, and most seek treatment and get it under control before it becomes a problem. When you think about all of the things that the acid can do to your body, you can see why it is wise to seek help and take preventative measures. The problem of reflux can be considered just an inconvenience and not that serious in nature, but that is exactly what it can become if left untreated.

When the obstruction is severe, you may face surgery. While treatment is on-going, you may be told to eat only soft foods, to crush your mediations, and to get as many calories as you can in liquid form.

Author Resource: Grab your free copy of Kathryn Whittaker's brand new Acid Reflux & GERD Newsletter here which is overflowing with easy to implement methods to help you combat Acid Reflux and GERD.

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