Thursday, May 28, 2009

Candida Treatment - The Natural Way

By Michael Sullivan

Thanks to the introduction of natural treatments and advances in medical science and technology, different effective Candida treatments are available at present. While a particular remedy may be favorable for one patient and not work for another, it pays to study all the advantages and disadvantages of a Candida treatment before espousing it.

The question whether to apply a natural medication to deal with Candida or to apply a Western treatment is a controversial subject which boils down to how an individual will react to, and make a choice either of the two. A medical practitioner who prescribes any Candida procedure always takes into account anti-fungal treatment such as Clortimazole or Miconazole. Both of these medications have proven to be very effective over time, although you will always have other alternatives to consider.

An effective natural way to aid these prescribed treatments work is to change the dietary plan to be free of yeast and sugar. This spoils Candida's growth as it will be stripped of any optimal breeding ground. Meanwhile, Candida can be dealt with through the procedure called Immunotherapy i.e. applying anti-genic extracts to combat the illnesses contributed by this yeast infection.

A homeopathic procedure can also help effectively in Candida medication. This is a procedure focused on cleaning the body organs that pay homage to Candida yeast i.e. the digestive system and the intestinal tract. Acupuncturealso serves as an alternative Candida treatment as it is thought to aid in stimulating the immune system.

Very crucial to bear in mind though is that for these and all other medications to shape effectively, there needs to be an accurate diagnosis at the outset, by a certified practitioner. The reason is that there are other ailments whose symptoms are similar to that of Candidiasis. It implies that practicing wrong medicine will only make things worse.

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