Saturday, May 30, 2009

Reishi Extract and Cancer

By Markho Rafael

Reishi extract is commonly used in Oriental Medicine as almost a cure-all. Both medical practitioners and regular people use it for things as innocent as stress and the common cold to more serious afflictions like asthma and cancer.

One of the most ardent proponents of reishi is Dr Fukumi Morishige, a Japanese medical doctor working with the Linus Pauling Institute of Science & Medicine in researching the use of reishi for cancer.

Below follows seven cases described by Dr. Morishige during a speech, later reprinted in the publication, Chinese Traditional Medicine Part III.

Growing up in Japan as Dr. Morishige did, it was impossible not to have heard of reishi. But he dismissed it as a mild herbal remedy to be used with limited results for non-terminal illnesses, not as a viable option for treating terminal conditions such as cancer. His curiosity arose when two of his cancer patients showed signs of remission, which they themselves claimed were due to their use of reishi.

First was a 39-year-old woman with lung carcinoma. The hospitals she had visited all told her she was too far gone and there was nothing they could do to help her. As a serious secondary complication, she also exhibited chest cavity edema. None-the-less, by the time she had her first appointment with Dr. Morishige, the symptoms of her illness had disappeared. The woman credited her recovery to the use of reishi, which her husband had administered to her at 4 grams per day.

After that, there was the case of the young boy with congenital liver cancer. Four years before he came to see Dr. Morishige, the boy's original doctor had sent him home with his parents, claiming the condition was terminal and there was nothing he could do to help. But when Dr. Morishige examined the now 9-year-old-boy, he could find no trace of the tumor. The boy's parents said they had been giving their son reishi via his naso-gastric feeding tube. This is when Dr. Morishige decided that reishi deserved a closer look.

The following are five of his case studies using reishi and Vitamin C (for prevention of side effects):

Case 1: A 70-year-old male patient who had lost consciousness due to a 5 cm (2 in.) brain tumor was administered 6 gm of reishi per day starting in June of 1986. By September, he had regained consciousness. He continued to take reishi orally after regaining consciousness, now 3 gm/day. By December of that same year, brain scans showed the tumor had diminished in size. Once the size of the tumor had been reduced to 1 cm, the patient was released from the hospital and returned to live with his family.

Case 2: A 50+ female with metastatic lung cancer and hemoptysis (coughing up blood) began a regimen of 6 gm/day of reishi. Six months later, the tumor had disappeared. And whereas before she had experienced severe shortness of breath, she could now effortlessly climb stairs.

Case 3: A woman with breast cancer and metastatic bone cancer suffered excruciating pain and an inability to move below the neck. Dr. Morishige started her out on 9 gm/day of reishi and then increased it to 20 gm/day. In two months, the patient was free from pain, able to walk, and was released from the hospital.

Case 4: A man with rectal cancer metastasized to the liver was placed on 6 grams per day of reishi. Six months later, CT scans revealed that the tumor had shrunk. The patient showed improved health.

Case 5: A patient with pancreatic cancer and short life prognosis was put on 9 grams of reishi per day, orally, and 30 grams of Vitamin C, intravenously. Twelve months later, he reported that he longer experienced any symptoms and was back to work. He said he'd continued taking 5 grams per day of reishi after leaving the hospital.

Note: This article is provided for scientific and informational purposes only. This product has not been tested by the FDA and should not be used for self-treatment of tumors. Never use any herb for medicinal purposes without consulting a licensed medical doctor.

Reference: Morishige, Fukumi, 1987. Chinese Traditional Medicine Part III, Page 12 - 23, ISBN4-88580-053-6 C-0077

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Friday, May 29, 2009

Low Back Segmental Stiffness

By Jonathan Blood Smyth

As children we have the great gift of a mobile, strong, well designed and painless spine and it is unusual for stiffness to be an issue as the lumbar spine has evolved to do the job of weight bearing and providing movement. Intervertebral discs separate the spinal vertebrae, allowing more movement in areas where they are thicker and also coping with variable loads. The posterior spinal facet joints limit and control segmental movement, preventing the spine from displacing inappropriately under the shear forces. Strong, balanced and coordinated muscle actions complete the picture.

Inhibition of the stabilising musculature occurs with an episode of acute spinal pain and this can persist beyond the resolution of the pain to generate a long-lasting instability which puts the segment at increased risk of re-injury over time. Longer term effects include the occurrence of degenerative alterations in the spinal structures such as joints and discs, causing segmental levels to develop stiffness and eventually chronic back pain. The discs have fluid forced out of them by gravitational compression forces and must counteract them by generating a fluid absorption force.

Discs will narrow and lose part of their hydration under the forces of compression which occur in normal life, the disc becoming stiffer and narrower. X-rays can show up this narrowing when it reaches a certain level, but many discs will be troublesome long before this stage. The intervertebral disc and the two vertebrae each side of it are referred to as a vertebral segment and an abnormal stiff segment will move in such a way as to impose inappropriate levels of load upon structures not adapted to take them. The stiffness of individual spinal segments can be felt by a physiotherapist palpating the spine.

Muscle spasms are a typical reaction to an acute injury and has a protective function, stopping the damaged segment from moving while it is so inflamed and thereby giving it some freedom to heal. As the pain settles and the injury heals the back spasms should gradually settle and allow normal movement to be restored. Unfortunately this does not always happen, with some muscles remaining over protective and eventually forming a contracture, an abnormally shortened tissue structure which maintains an abnormal joint position.

Sitting for extended periods can increase the likelihood of suffering from increased compression of the lumbar discs with consequent fluid loss. Repeated flexion maintains the regular cycle of fluid uptake and avoidance of this movement interferes with this important process for disc health. The maintenance of abnormal posture and lack of strength in the abdominal muscles are also important factors.

A typical history is to have an episode of severe low back pain which gradually develops into a segmental stiffness problem. The stiff areas may be present asymptomatically for many years in many individual areas of the spine before one of them develops into a painful segment which causes restriction. Sitting for a long time or spending time bent into flexion will tend to aggravate this condition once established as joints are moved beyond their comfortable limits. The lumbar facet joints become fixed into extension and the whole segment suffers from adaptive shortening, forfeiting its ability to move normally. I have back problems very like this and it can be quite difficult, forcing me to limit heavy or repetitive work or any significant time in flexion.

However, I have been significantly improved by following Sarah Key's method of back care, popularised in her book Sarah Key's Back Sufferers Bible. While it is hard to agree with all the assertions she states in her book (as she herself admits), there is no doubt she has some very good ideas on how to practically manage low back pain. She describes the chronically stiff segmental back along with several other back pain syndromes and prescribes an exercise and management regime for treating them. The regime is not difficult but has very good results, particularly in my case where I felt I was stuck with my lower back pain and now realise this may not be the case.

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A Closer Look At Massage Therapy Training

By Bart Icles

Thinking of massage therapy training? Here's another look at the career as a profession, some background, the nature of work, employment opportunities and the training that you need to undergo.

According to the Department of Labor, there is an increasing trend on employment for this type of job, and projections up to year 2016 have been pegged at 20% increase for over a decade. One of the cited factors would be people realizing the benefits of massage therapy to their wellness. You also need to know that many states require formal training and national certification in order to practice.

Massage therapy has been around hundreds, even thousands of years. With different countries, its history has different origins, but they are all spawned from the idea of using touch as a healing method. Different ancient civilizations found that it can help heal injuries, relieve pain, and prevent some illnesses. Some people thought it began as a sacred system of healing.

Massage therapy training does not only focus on knowing the applications in touch therapy. It depends whether people would need a massage for medical or for relaxation purposes. A massage therapist can specialize in over 80 types of massage called modalities. Some examples of modalities include Swedish massage, Acupressure, sports massage, aromatherapy, acrosage, Balinese, and hydrotherapy. Different materials are used for the wide array of modalities: oils, lotions, and creams to name a few. Some therapists even supply their own materials like sheets, pillows, and other customized materials depending on their specialization.

Massage therapists can work in both public and private settings. It can be in offices, gyms, spa and fitness centers or the homes of clients. The usual amenities employed are those which would help the client relax and be comfortable. An example setting for such would be in a somewhat dim environment with lighted scented candles and soft music playing. However, for some modalities, it can be just for 15-30 minutes, would not really require those amenities, and can be done in an office setting, even in malls and airports.

There are over a thousand schools offering post-secondary massage therapy. A wide range of training programs are available for those who are interested in massage therapy training. They even cover subjects about anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, and of course, hands-on practice of massage. After completing the training, many would take the National Certification Examination for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork. Many states require this licensure exam in order for them to practice massage therapy. This credential must be renewed and they must have performed at least 200 hours of therapeutic massage and complete continuing education requirements.

Having good communication skills and a friendly, emphatic personality is a plus in your career as a massage therapist. Being able to make clients feel comfortable about the therapy and in you being the therapist is a very important ability.

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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Do You Need A Detoxification?

Because the the human system cannot eradicate detrimental toxins, they accumulate rendering it perilous to our health. To keep things from becoming worse, people are suggested to undergo a detox diet which is made to flush these toxins away through your pee. As a matter of fact, there are quite a few different programs and it might need you either to drink lots of fluid or to eat food that are heavy in fiber. Physical exercise is additionally recommended because perspiration is another way to free those toxins.

Those who have never attempted any kind of detox diet will get sick as they try this initially, although naturopaths say this is status quo because those toxins inside are released and those overwhelm the human body creating malaise. If you are able to make it through this program, those toxins would be flushed out leaving you with better looking skin, a healthy body and great satisfaction. Not just anyone can go on a detox diet which includes: people are who pregnant, kids and those that have been diagnosed with some kind of cancer and any other diseases, therefore to ensure that it is safe, talk to the physician.

Though there are no studies that proves the efficiency of detox diets, it wouldn't hurt you any to try especially if you eat a heavy fat and sugar diet, smoke, consume alcohol or take drugs. If you are not into such habits but go through aches and pains, behavioral problems, weariness, irritability, skin issues and finally tension, then again you should make some alterations.

Do you require a detox diet? That is one query just you could respond to once you've looked at yourself in the mirror or after getting the results of your latest medical checkup. The good thing about this technique is the fact that it informs you there's space to improve your total wellbeing.

If you're not really into the many detox methods that are out there, an additional choice would be to carry it out the way nature intended since the body has ways to eliminate those detrimental toxins which are the liver and even the kidneys. Still, if your kidneys and liver are not functioning at normal levels, this is probably the best possible alternative. Prevention is key which is why as you grow older, you should constantly watch what you eat and drink because it's in your hands the things you decide to allow inside your own body. You must additionally combine a healthy diet with exercise as it increases your metabolism and makes you sweat.

What makes the detox diet a lot different from any other diet program available is the fact that this is only for the short term. After a few days, you may return to the regular schedule since you will not be able to get all the nutrients you need based upon the food or the drink which is part of this program especially calcium as well as protein. However, if you do that, that signifies those detrimental poisons will build up again and you'll need to begin again. If you're smart and you learned your lesson, you will realize a few alterations would need to be made even if they don't occur quickly. Keep in mind, the detox diet is not the one choice that you have to improve your life.

Joni Bell has many years of extensive study in the area of natural cancer prevention and treatment. He has numerous success stories of people being diagnosed living cancer free with use of alternative methods.

Candida Treatment - The Natural Way

By Michael Sullivan

Thanks to the introduction of natural treatments and advances in medical science and technology, different effective Candida treatments are available at present. While a particular remedy may be favorable for one patient and not work for another, it pays to study all the advantages and disadvantages of a Candida treatment before espousing it.

The question whether to apply a natural medication to deal with Candida or to apply a Western treatment is a controversial subject which boils down to how an individual will react to, and make a choice either of the two. A medical practitioner who prescribes any Candida procedure always takes into account anti-fungal treatment such as Clortimazole or Miconazole. Both of these medications have proven to be very effective over time, although you will always have other alternatives to consider.

An effective natural way to aid these prescribed treatments work is to change the dietary plan to be free of yeast and sugar. This spoils Candida's growth as it will be stripped of any optimal breeding ground. Meanwhile, Candida can be dealt with through the procedure called Immunotherapy i.e. applying anti-genic extracts to combat the illnesses contributed by this yeast infection.

A homeopathic procedure can also help effectively in Candida medication. This is a procedure focused on cleaning the body organs that pay homage to Candida yeast i.e. the digestive system and the intestinal tract. Acupuncturealso serves as an alternative Candida treatment as it is thought to aid in stimulating the immune system.

Very crucial to bear in mind though is that for these and all other medications to shape effectively, there needs to be an accurate diagnosis at the outset, by a certified practitioner. The reason is that there are other ailments whose symptoms are similar to that of Candidiasis. It implies that practicing wrong medicine will only make things worse.

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Bipolar Medication against Neurotransmitters in Bipolar Symptoms

By Ken P Doyle

One has to understand first the intricacies of the brain functions, its nervous system and how bipolar symptom works to really understand bipolar medication. In a few words, bipolar symptoms is caused by differences in how a person's brain and nervous system work together in our basic behaviors.

The Nervous System

The most complex and least understood organ in the human body is the brain. It is the central and focal point of the nervous system and receives, processes, and sends out billions of signals every day by way of chemicals and electrical impulses throughout the body. Science is just beginning to understand these chemicals and electric currents work.

Malfunction of Nervous System

The human nervous system is an amazing organic machine, creating and reacting to a complex bundle of chemical, electrical, and magnetic impulses. A single misstep in one of these processes can set a chain of events in motion that leads to a neurological event, such as a memory lapse, a seizure, or bipolar symptoms. If such missteps occur constantly, the person has what we call a neurological disorder.

The brain's communication system: Neurotransmitters

Neurons are the brain's internal communication centers, but they don't trade messages directly. Inside a neuron, all the messages are sent via electrical impulses. Electrical impulses have to be translated into neurotransmitters (hormone-like chemicals that send signals to all parts of the nervous system).

The Different Neurotransmitters

There are many different neurotransmitters and related hormones running around in the human brain. Along with the hormone melatonin, several neurotransmitters appear to be involved in bipolar disorders, including:

* Serotonin: (5-HT), controls regulation, appetite, sleep, mood, some types of sensory perception and body-temperature regulation.

* Dopamine. (DA), this neurotransmitter helps control body movements and thought patterns, and also regulates how hormones are released.

* Norepinephrine: it governs arousal, the "fight or flight" response, anxiety, and memory.

Bipolar Symptoms verses Bipolar Medication

Medications change certain hormones and neurotransmitters produced, these chemicals are absorbed into the brain to produce changes in bipolar symptoms. These bipolar medications don't cure the underlying disorder, but in some people they can create major improvements in behavior and emotional stability. It's a bit like taking the hormone insulin for diabetes: you're still a diabetic, and you still must watch you eat, but the insulin injections help you control the illness and prevent its destructive effects.


What is it about people who have bipolar symptoms that permits this devastating chain reaction to occur? No one can point to a specific gene or brain difference with certainty, but bipolar disorders are probably caused by a complicated mix of inherited genetic differences, differences in brain structure, chemistry, unusual electrical or magnetic activity in the brain, and also environmental factors. The only way known to men is to lessen the work of neurotransmitters by administering bipolar medication

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The History of Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy was developed by a Doctor William Sutherland in the early 1900s after he developed the theory that cranial bones were built to have a small degree of motion rather than being fixed as was held by most scientists of the day.

Dr. Sutherland further theorized that if these bones could move, they could be affected by the rest of the body via the sap of the body, the craniosacral system and if that was the case, then positive things could be done to alleviate problems with the spine and skull.

He spent years developing a therapy that could take advantage of the craniosacral system and developed a form of therapy that would gently alleviate pressures and strains and thus alleviate symptoms of things like migraines, autism, fibromyalgia and other problems. He began to teach his techniques, but it was not widely accepted and upon his death in 1945, there were still only a few therapists who would use it.

It was not until it was picked up and popularized by Doctor John Upledger in the 1970s that it became more widely taught and more accessible to the public. He coined the term craniosacral therapy so that any therapist could learn it instead of just osteopaths it had been before.

Craniosacral therapy is a very gentle, hands-on approach to dealing with problems in the craniosacral system, otherwise known as the membranes and fluids which surround the brain and spinal cord. This system of fluids and membranes runs from the one end of the spine to the other and any damage or strain to this area affects the central nervous system in adverse and often difficult to treat ways.

Practitioners apply very gentle force, no more than five milligrams or the weight of a nickel to affected areas of the spine and skull to release craniosacral tensions that can cause things like migraines. It can also be used to relieve the symptoms of things like autism and colic. Its gentle approach means that it can be used on anyone safely, even babies.

Craniosacral therapy is meant to be used to augment the bodys natural ability to heal itself from strain and injuries, as well as in conjunction with other therapies such as myofascial release.

It is gaining more popularity as an alternative expensive and often ineffectual medicines and traumatic surgeries. However, it is still unrecognized by many health associations in the world, leaving the professionals in this field to regulate themselves through professional associations.

This also means that mainstream doctors do not tend to bring it up as an option unless a patient specifically asks for it, so many have to do their own research into this form of therapy before talking to a doctor about it.

Drew Mers is an advertising consultant to Craniosacral Therapy Spotlight

What You Need To Know About Massage Therapy Certification

By Bart Icles

Massage therapy is a very lucrative career. Working an average of 15 hours a week would make a licensed massage therapist earn an average of about US $35,000. This allows a massage therapist to have another full-time job without sacrificing much of his or her free time that can be allotted for family time, leisure time, or just simply alone time. Because of this, a lot of people are aspiring to have a massage therapy certification.

Before becoming a massage therapist, you need to, of course, earn your massage therapy degree. After that, you need to pass massage therapy licensure examinations to, finally, earn your much sought-for license or certification. There are several things that you need to know in order to be able to secure your massage therapy certification. They are the following:

1. Not all states regulate massage therapy. Only 37 states do plus Washington, D.C. It does not mean, however, that massage therapists in the states with no regulatory boards are not regulated, though. There are cities and towns and counties that also have regulatory boards for massage therapy certification.

2. The primary massage therapy certification exams are the NCETB (National Certification Examination for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork), the NCETM (National Certification Examination for Therapeutic Massage (NCETM), and the NCE (National Certification Exam). Usually, it is the state boards that dictate which massage therapy certification exam an aspiring massage therapist should be taking. All three ask questions about the body systems (anatomy, physiology, etc.), about pathology, therapeutic massage assessment and application, and the professional standards, ethics, and other practices of massage therapy. The exams are multiple-choice in nature.

3. To qualify for a massage therapy certification exam, the aspiring massage therapist should have received 500 hours of credited classes and should have graduated from a duly accredited massage therapy school.

4. If you want to practice in a different state than the one the you got your license in, chances are, you would need to go back to a massage school duly accredited by the state that you are moving into and take a supplemental program to be able to standardize everything. Most of the time, though, certified massage therapists are "grandfathered" when they transfer to a different state, provided that they are practicing for a certain number of years and can present pertinent documents supporting it. All massage therapist practitioners should be able to comply with all the requirements of the existing laws that bind them.

A massage therapy certification can be a very easy thing to obtain. As long as you are determined and have your heart set on being a massage therapy practitioner, everything is possible.

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BodyTalk System: Can It Heal The Human Mind and Body?

By Donna Burick

The BodyTalk System is a fascinating combination of the healing methods of both Eastern traditional practices and of Western medicine and science that have proven to be very effective. The Eastern practices have all withstood the test of technology and time. Being an alternative healing method, it promotes wellness in the human body and mind by working with it instead of against it. When you are at your wits end and are sick and tired of going to doctor to doctor, you may wish to turn your attention to the BodyTalk System. If you have an open-minded doctor, you may want to mention this system to him/her. However, do not be discouraged if they do not recognize this system as a viable treatment.

Physical Ailments

The BodyTalk System facilitates the healing process either as a stand alone therapy or in conjunction with other healing modalities. These healing methods can include any of the Western type treatments involving drugs, injections and surgery as well as the Eastern treatment forms like yoga and acupuncture. The emphasis is in the complementation property inherent in the BodyTalk System.

This system addresses almost all of the most common physical ailments: reproductive disorders, intestinal parasites, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, arthritis, chronic and acute infections, digestive disorders, allergies, organ and endocrine dysfunctions back and body pain, headaches, chronic fatigue syndrome. Other practitioners and clients have reported significant improvements when being treated for sports injuries. You want to keep this in mind " each session is designed to treat a specific imbalance in the body before trying to tackle the next health concern. This will avoid body overload.

Mental Concerns

The BodyTalk System also addresses mental and emotional concerns that are often the root cause of the physical symptoms manifested by the body. These concerns include fears and phobias, stress-related illnesses and emotional problems, learning and behavior disorders. Of course, one should not expect instantaneous results although a general feeling of well-being can be experienced after every session.

If you are seeking personal development in order to make your life better, this healing method will be able to help you. Because your sense of well-being in terms of the mental and physical aspects is restored, your sense of self-confidence can be restored as well. To put it another way, you are being healed inside and out.

Sessions Explained

Each BodyTalk session is different. Your own innate wisdom is what your BodyTalk practitioner is guided by in order to work on what is needed for you at the time so that you may have many different experiences each time. Because the healing is energy based, many people prefer to have their sessions either over the phone or long distance. This will help to make the sessions more effective in terms of your time and travel. In your life, you will be surprised at how noticeable and powerful the positive effects of the BodyTalk System really are.

When you have in person sessions, you will be asked to lie down on a massage table in order to relax your whole body. You will also be asked to remove your shoes, watch and jewelry since these things can impede the flow of the treatment. You will keep your clothes as it is not necessary to disrobe.

The BodyTalk System can do wonders for the human body and mind when it is done by an experienced practitioner. By removing any subconscious blocks you may have, you can easily and quickly return to your natural state of health. Think of this as a welcome addition to the healing methods that you are now engaging in to maintain your well-being.

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Craniosacral Bodywork for Pregnancy and Postpartum

Craniosacral bodywork can help a pregnant woman relax and find balance and peace with her changing body through the changes that pregnancy forces on the body.

Pregnancy can be an uncomfortable part of life and craniosacral therapy can help. This is because pregnant women cope better with their changes when they have had some care and it has also been shown that this kind of care leads to better care of the infant and a better pregnancy experience.

The emotional relief from being relaxed alone is a good reason for many women to try it, however, craniosacral therapy is also geared towards helping with the birth by relaxing and strengthening the pelvic muscles to make the birth a little easier on both the parent and the child. This also promotes the proper positioning of the baby for a more timely birth. Most importantly, at least for the mother to be, it is a chance for her to be pampered and taken care of.

Craniosacral bodywork can also help in the postpartum. It alleviates much of the stress of parenting and a distinct lack of sleep. It can help elevate a new mothers mood out of the baby blues and even help with post partum depression. It also gives a new mother a chance to be pampered after the birth of the baby as the attention usually shifts from the mother to the baby for a long period of time and this can be very wearing.

Craniosacral bodywork can also help the body repair itself after the trial of birth. It can aid in the healing of cesarean births and help the pelvic area return to normal after a vaginal birth. It is also just a good way to take a break from the daily pressures of parenting and giving everything to someone else.

For any pregnant woman or one who has recently given birth, craniosacral therapy should be a consideration to help a woman relax and work on bringing her body back to a normal state. Even just a couple sessions can do wonders for a woman under the strain of pregnancy and taking care of an infant at all hours of the day and night.

When you have a chance, search out your local craniosacral therapist. Ask them whether you or your loved one could benefit from craniosacral therapy. It might be just what you and your body need today!

Drew Mers is an advertising consultant to Craniosacral Therapy Spotlight

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Endometriosis Signs and Symptoms What The Doctor Didn't Tell You

Endometriosis effects over 13 million women every single year and many more women have it and don't even know it because they don't experience any signs or symptoms.

In many cases, Endometriosis is only diagnosed during another procedure that leads to discovering Endometriosis is present.

Endometriosis is when tissue that looks and acts like the lining of the uterus begins growing in areas outside of the uterus on the fallopian tubes, ovaries, bladder, and even the lining of the pelvic cavity.

They are more commonly known as Endometrial Implants. However, there are a few signs and symptoms that you should watch for if you believe for any reason you are at risk for or may have Endometriosis.

Painful periods are the biggest symptom. This pain might begin several days before your actual period and prolong itself until days after it has ended. It may either be light or extremely intense and frequently is located in the abdominal region along with the lower back.

Pelvic pain during other times unrelated to your menstrual cycle is another thing to keep a close watch on. Many women experience pain when ovulating, sharp pains during sexual intercourse, or pain during bowel movements and urination.

This is usually an indicator that the Endometriosis has spread to the respective regions and is beginning to cause problems. The body is using pain as a way to inform you that something needs to be fixed. However, the severity of the pain does not directly relate to how severe your case of Endometriosis is. You may have minimal pain with a severe case or vice versa. The only way to know is to be checked out by your doctor.

Excessive or unusual bleeding is yet another thing to watch for. Extremely heavy periods or bleeding in between periods may signify that there is a problem within your reproductive system.

Digestive symptoms are quite common in some cases due to the tissue manifesting itself on the bowels or in the intestines. These may include, but are not limited to, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, rectal pain, abdominal bloating, or pain along with flatulence.

In more severe cases of Endometriosis, pain may develop in the bowels and kidneys as well. Pain may be constant or it could occur in cycles. It may be a dull pain that occurs all the time or it could be random bouts of sharp shooting pain. Each case has to be treated on an individual basis but the pain cycle is generally related to the menstrual cycle that the women is experiencing.

Many women are diagnosed with Endometriosis when they see their Doctor about the possibility of being infertile. Often many of the Endometriosis signs and symptoms were thought to be separate concerns on their own.

These symptoms don't mean that you have Endometriosis but have been known to be present along with the condition. They could be related to a completely different diagnosis altogether.

At times Endometriosis may be mistaken for other conditions such as cysts on the ovaries or pelvic inflammatory disease. It isn't uncommon for it to be confused with irritable bowel syndrome either if the endometrial tissue has spread onto the bowels a well.

Many other conditions may also be present with Endometriosis which can make it a big challenge to diagnose and treat as well. If you think you may have Endometriosis, book in to see your doctor and be sure to ask him or her whether they think you could have Endometriosis.

If in doubt, you can also see an Endometriosis specialist. Endometriosis Specialists are becoming more and more common and you may find one close to you.

If you want to quit wasting time with Endometriosis Treatments that don't work and start healing from Endometriosis today then visit my site right now to claim your FREE HealMe Endometriosis report

Sunday, May 24, 2009

What is Maternity Acupressure?

By Linda Deen

Maternity acupressure (or labor acupressure) is an all natural technique to help pregnant woman induce labor in a safe and natural way. It's also very effective in giving pain relief and can drastically improve your birthing experience.

But what is acupressure? Many people mistake acupressure for acupuncture. It's true they have a similar name and work in a similar way, but there is one major difference. Acupressure uses fingers instead of needles. It's a very gentle and safe technique, even for the pregnant mother to be.

In a way acupressure is acupuncture without needles. Actually it is the other way around, because acupressure came before acupuncture. The theory is that by using deep but gentle pressure on specific acu-points that are located on energy pathways called meridians, the blocked energy starts to release, stimulating the body's natural self-healing abilities.

Is there some research evidence that acupressure really works? Yes, many studies have been conducted and they all confirm positive effects of acupressure to some degree. I'm not familiar with any negative conclusions about acupressure. After all, it has been practiced by millions of people for thousands of years.

Acupressure is used for treating various ailments. In western world it's predominantly used to relieve pain, reduce stress and tension, and improve overall well being. In China people use it everyday for things like colds, headaches, sore muscles and even hangovers.

It can also be very useful during pregnancy and childbirth. During pregnancy it can be used to combat morning sickness, and increase energy levels and overall well-being. When the time comes it can help induce labor naturally, relive labor pains, strengthen contractions and keeping you calm and relaxed.

Maternity acupressure is a great way to naturally encourage your labor without having to resort to medications that could harm both you and your baby. It can be safely used at home with basic instructions.

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Friday, May 22, 2009

Four Common Massage Techniques in the United States

Many people hear great things about getting a massage from friends and family but rarely know what type of massage is right for them. Below I have given descriptions of four very common forms of massage in the United States.

Deep tissue massage focuses on the deeper layers of your muscles and the tissue that connects the muscles. This type of massage is great for people who suffer from stiff necks, low back pain and sore shoulders that are often caused by chronic tension.

When there is constant muscle tension bands of rigid muscle tissue form in the ligaments, muscles and tendons. These rigid bands will block blood circulation which will then lead to pain and inflammation.

By the use of direct pressure by the massage therapist deep tissue massage actually breaks down this rigid muscle tissue. By doing so pain and inflammation is relieved.

Hot stone massage is a variation of what a lot of people would consider classic massage. Heated flat stones are positioned at certain points of the body. The skilled massage practitioner may also hold the heated stones to massage parts of the body.

Hot stone massage is good for people that would be good candidates for deep tissue massage but prefer a lighter softer touch to their massages. It is also a good massage technique for people that often complain of having cold feet.

The heat of the hot stones relaxes and warms the muscles and nervous system. By doing so the massage therapist can perform a deep tissue massage but not have to apply as much pressure.

Swedish massage is the most well known massage technique practiced. Swedish massage is also the foundation for many other massage practices such as sports massage, deep tissue massage and aromatherapy massage.

The goal of Swedish massage is to increase oxygen flow in the blood, release toxins from the muscles which relieves aches and tension and also improve a persons flexibility. The Swedish massage practitioner does this by using 5 different movements as part of the massage; long gliding strokes (Effleurage), tapping (Tapotement), kneading on specific muscles (Petrissage), rubbing (Friction) and shaking (Vibration).

Swedish massage is great for people who suffer with back pain, stress and stress related conditions, headaches, muscle strains and sprains, circulatory issues and post injury rehabilitation.

Aromatherapy massage is a massage technique in which a skilled massage therapist performs classic massage and incorporates the use of concentrated plant oils that are called essential oils within the massage lotion or oil.

The principle behind aromatherapy is that the nostrils are connected to the limbic system. The limbic system controls your emotions and also influences your hormones and nervous system. Various aromas produced from the essential oils will send messages to the limbic system that will influence a persons blood pressure, digestion, immune system, stress level, heart rate and breathing.

Aromatherapy is a good solution for people that suffer from issues that are related to stress. Some common conditions that are addressed with aromatherapy will include headaches, digestive issues, beck pain and premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

You can learn more about different massage techniques and practitioners in your area by visiting Best Massage Network.

Griffin Zane is a contributing author to a resource to help people find qualified massage therapists in their area.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sciatica Tips That Actually Work

Sciatica is a common form of lower back pain. It can be a 'real pain in the butt' for you and those around you. It can limit your activities so that you miss out and so do your family and friends. Sciatica can be helped and help is here...

Simple effective sciatica home treatment, sounds too good to be true doesn't it. Like I said before, you can ease your pain, especially if you don't wait too long. The tips below will help to relieve back pain if you start now.

Tip 1 - in the first 48 hours use ice. Ice will decrease the inflammation present and can stop sciatica before it starts. So put ice on the area for 10 minutes, rest for 10 minutes and then repeat the process two more times. Ice is only effective for the first 48 hours, so don't delay using it. Ice can be a simple and quick pain reliever in those initial stages.

Tip 2 - Stretch your Piriformis muscle. The Piriformis muscle has the sciatic nerve either running through it or next to it. If the muscle tightens then sciatica is common. To ease your sciatica, you must stretch effectively.

Tip 3 - Balance your Pelvis. The pelvis is like a foundation to a house. If the foundations are in balance, the rest of the house won't creak. The same for back pain. If the pelvis is balanced tension eases off other areas quickly.

(Your pelvis is the most common cause of lower back pain and sciatica It is also commonly left untreated)

Tip 4 - Keep moving. You do not need to move fast but you need to move. If you rest and do not move at all, muscles will tighten quicker. This is why you may pain is worse in the morning after a nights sleep. Once you move your pain can ease considerably.

Tip 5 - As the saying goes, if pain persists seek help. This doesn't necessarily mean consulting a practitioner. But if you have had a fall or injury, you should. Seek help from those who are experts in treating sciatica. Gain their knowledge and expertise to learn simple ways you can eliminate your sciatica with.

Sciatica home treatment is easy if you know what to target, how to target the areas and how to effectively eliminate your pain. Sciatica is a common condition, but you have the tools to make it disappear quickly. All you need to do is follow some simple tips for sciatica home treatment.

Dr Graeme Teague is a back pain expert of almost 20 years experience. With his free eBook, he has helped thousands of sufferers relieve back pain quickly. Head over to his site to read more.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The History And Benefits Of Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto can be extracted from the fruit of the Serenoa Repens. It's used in a wide variety of traditional and alternative medicines and is most notably used for prostate health. The plant itself looks like a shrub version of the palm tree and has the signature fronds of the palm tree, but doesn't have the long trunk that the tree has.

The fruit are berries, which are harvested in the fall after they mature. These berries are then ground into a powder, then a lipophilic extract is taken from the powder. This extract is what is actually used for medicine. The plant can be found from South Carolina all the way to Texas, but is most common the farther southeast you go. Central Florida is the largest producer of Saw Palmetto in the country.

Native Americans were the first to utilize the Saw Palmetto and ate the berries for food before discovering the medicinal properties of them, but this Saw Palmetto made up a large chunk of their diet. Later, Native American medicine men used the berries to treat impotence, inflammation and infertility, as well as some other conditions, such as for the prostate.

Interest in this plant had peaked in the U.S. and in the late 19th century, where it was observed that the plant seemed to help livestock. The extract that was taken from these berries was used to treat things like an enlarged prostate and gonorrhea. After WWII, however, interest in the plant died out in the United States.

In Europe, however, the extract was popular for treating BPH. Now, however, there is a renewed interest in the extract in the U.S. and it's currently being used to treat many things like hair loss, prostate enlargement, and poor libido.

One of the major benefits of using Saw Palmetto extract is that there are very few hazardous allergic reactions or side effects. Like many supplements, there is a slight risk of gastro-intestinal problems, however taking the extract with food can help to keep intestinal problems to a minimum. The extract does carry a chemical, which is called beta-sitosterol, which is very similar to cholesterol.

Much like cholesterol, high levels of this chemical have been known to increase the risk of heart attacks and other heart problems. Also, it's important to note that all of this has to do with the amount you take and the batch or manufacturer. Currently, PSE is used only as a natural supplement, so it's not regulated in the United States.

To successfully extract the lipophilic substance from the plant, a solvent must be used. The solvent used in permixon, the most common Saw Palmetto product in the UK, is extracted using Hexane. Other solvents used include methanol, ethanol and liquid carbon dioxide.

The solvent used is very important, as it can affect the chemistry of the product, and you want to make sure you are getting the highest quality product, so it's always a good idea to keep an eye out for products where Hexane is used as the solvent.

Saw Palmetto can be a great way to improve prostate health with little to no danger of side effects.

We want you to learn more about Saw Palmetto as a plant, so come and check us out at

How To Lose Belly Fat Quickly and Easily

If you are like most people, you are also probably wondering how to lose belly fat quickly. Fortunately, there are several different ways to help you do so without having to go out on a limb. Although it would take a good amount of dedication and patience, if you try and change some things in your lifestyle, the road to a slimmer you is definitely possible. Here are some of them.

First, be more active. Engage in various physical activities. This does not just mean that you just have to exercise. You can be more active even without exercising, although exercise routines such as swimming, cycling and aerobics can effectively burn more fat. Try walking to work, doing more errands at home instead of sitting in front of the TV, participating in some weekly sports activities in the neighborhood. By making sure that you are always moving or always on the go, you would be able to lose weight without even knowing it.

If you do choose to exercise, make sure that aside from doing aerobics and cardiovascular exercises, you would also be doing some weight training exercises. Weight training effectively builds muscles, and the more muscles you build, the more fat you burn.

Second, instead of eating three full meals a day, try eating more meals that have smaller portions. By doing so, you would feel full throughout the day, preventing bingeing and overeating.

You would also need to make sure that you are choosing the right types of food for your diet. Steer clear of fast food, junk food and other food types that are high on fat, carbohydrates and empty calories. Stick to the more natural food types and you would be able to lose more weight and keep it off while actually improving the overall condition of your body.

The question on how to lose belly fat quickly would surely be answered by doing these things. Remember that the path to weight loss success need not be grueling. By changing some lifestyle choices, you would have a slimmer body effortlessly.

Sometimes, when people get really carried away by trying to lose belly fat quickly, then even start using those gadgets that are always being promoted on TV. If you have ever tried them, then you definitely know that it's a huge waste of time. However, some people don't believe that, until they try it out. Well, I hope I gave you an early warning.

Instead of trying to "cheat", you should always go for proven and natural methods of losing weight. That's what gives you the best and long-term results.

If you want to know how to lose belly fat quickly, then must check out The Truth About Abs program - best-selling fitness ebook online. Click the link below to find out more.

What To Do For Ringing In The Ears - Tinnitus Retraining Therapy

By Matt Hellstrom

Tinnitus retraining therapy is a therapy that has proven to be very effective in helping people deal with tinnitus. If you have it, you are going to have to accept that in most cases, there is no cure and you will suffer from the symptoms for the rest of your life, so you are going to have to learn how to control them.

Tinnitus is a condition whereby you hear a constant ringing, buzzing or some other type of noise that is only heard by you. This condition is often brought about by stress, trauma or exposure to loud noises on a steady basis. In actuality, this is a condition that you can prevent, but once you have it, you will need to use a method such as tinnitus retraining therapy to get it under control.

Since the condition cannot be cured in most cases, it must be managed. How you manage the problem is through the tinnitus retraining therapy where you learn to re-associate the noise with the negative connotation that it currently carries for you and make it almost non-existent in your life.

With this approach, it is apparent that you do not have to eliminate the condition to alleviate the pain or discomfort that the patient is experiencing. If you want to relate this to something to understand it a little better, picture the person that lives on the same block as the elevated train goes down. When they first move there, they are probably up all night as the train will keep them awake. Over time, they get used to the noise and it just becomes a part of their everyday life and they are able to simply ignore it and act as though it does not exist.

Take note that this is not an uncommon condition, just under 20% of the population is either experiencing this condition now or has experienced at some time in their life. While it does not affect everyone the same way, it is quite a problem for about 25% of the people that have it. This therapy can allow them to live their lives without the issue of having to deal with these buzzing our ringing sounds each and every day.

What people actually need to realize is that this is a condition that is probably 100% preventable in a lot of cases. Make the decision, have ringing in your ears for the rest of your life or turn down the volume a normal human being would listen to.

You can lower the volume, you can wear ear plugs and you can control or even eliminate the stress in your life if you put a concentrated effort forward to do so. Tinnitus retraining therapy can assist you in tuning out the annoying sounds in the environment, but it's up to you to make sensible choices when it comes to your own noise pollution.

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Monday, May 18, 2009

The Use Of Essential Oils As Antiviral Treatment

Essential oils are volatile liquid plant materials which can be used for various purposes in the arenas of health and food production. One area that they are commonly used in is anti-viral treatment. These treatments target various ailments and physical problems. Some nations do not recognise the use of these essential oils (as part of aromatherapy), but others such as France, where aromatherapy began - and the United Kingdom (where the Queen herself is a big fan of the therapy) embrace these oils more.

Tea tree Oil is one very popular oil, used for its anti-sceptic properties. It is a native plant to New South Wales, Australia and although the smell is considered a very pleasant one, it is a very effective anti viral treatment. It has been used for skin problems such as acne. It is usually diluted, as pure Tea tree oil often causes bad reactions. It has been used against staphylococcus aureus and MRSA with some effect. A valuable member of the essential oils family.

Another of the most common essential oils is Lemongrass, which as well as being used a great deal in cooking (due to its fresh citrus like flavor) and in perfumes, is also used in aromatherapy. It is particularly good as an insect repellent, as it contains citronella, geraniol and citronellol - which have anti septic properties.

Sandalwood as well, has purported medicinal qualities - namely anti-viral. This essential oil is usually used in the manufacture of fragrances, but has been used by, for example, Buddhists who believe it maintains personal alertness. Sandal wood was used as an anti-septic up to the 1930s, but care had to be taken because of its strength - it has to be diluted with an appropriate carrier oil. It has been used for keeping skin clear of blackheads and spots.

Peppermint has been used to treat Irritable Bowl Syndrome - and only as recently as 2007 did Italian researchers find a way to help the condition with it successfully.

Another of the main essential oils is Ginger - or Jamaica Ginger as the medicinal form is known, has successfully been used to treat colic and dyspepsia. It is regarded as a safe medicine (on the FDA's safe list) as it does not have any negatives with any other drug, except Warfarin (used for thinning the blood). It has also been used to release bile from the gallbladder - important for those suffering with gallstones. It has also been involved in inconclusive tests related to reducing the pain caused by Arthritis. It is also effective against diarrhea - the leading cause of infant death in the developing world.

Thyme is an anti-septic too, having been used in bandages before more effective substances were found. This anti-septic quality is why it is the main ingredient in Listerine mouthwash. Tea made with thyme is effective against coughs and bronchitis. In its tea form, it can be used to reduce inflammation of the throat when gargled three times a day.

There are many essential oils which perform various antiseptic roles, some of which get placed under the heading 'aromatherapy', while others, it transpires, are used in many household medicinal products (albeit heavily processed) - such as Listerine (mentioned above). So the next time you have an ailment, why not check your garden for some essential oils.

Anna Stenning is an expert on essential oils having had many years of experience in the health sector. For more information visit

Sunday, May 17, 2009

What Is a Bruise Really? Do You Know?

By Carolyn Cooper

We've talked a lot about healing bruises and how to try to prevent them, but through it all, it is important to understand what a bruise really is and what that bruise is telling us. When you get bruises too easily, or when you find yourself in a place where they are just a commonplace inconvenience or bother, it can be easy to lose sight of what they are and what they signify is happening in your body. For instance, it is easy to forget that bruises come in different gradations, ranging from light to critical or life threatening. If you are someone who is subject to easy bruising, make sure that you don't lose sight of what is going on in your own body.

In the first place, a bruise is damage that occurs to tissue that's alive. Frequently caused by blunt force trauma, a bruise will be created when the capillaries just beneath your skin become injured. From these separated or broken capillaries, blood will seep up to just below the skin, pooling just underneath the skin to form those blues, blacks and greens that might be just too common to you. While the actual act of getting them is often painful, they may also be painful or tender to the touch. For people who are fair complexioned, even minor bruising can appear very dark and brilliant.

The fact that some people tend to bruise more than others should cause a focus on the health physical strength of their capillaries. Even in one unique body, capillaries can be diverse in their strength. There can be many factors that might provide the reason why some people bruise more easily than do others, but more often than not, weakened or broken capillaries are likely to be at the root of the problem. If you are attempting to prevent bruising easily that then becomes a riot of colors, keep in mind that capillary health is probably the central cause.

You should also make it a priority to be sure that you realize that bruises may be telling you of certain other types of disorders. Inexplicable bruising can be a warning of bleeding internally or even a sign of certain types of cancer. These signs can also point in the direction of having a situation involving problem platelet production or even a blood disorder dealing with coagulation. If you find bruising that takes place around the navel and is accompanied with severe abdominal pain, it may be a strong indicator for a severe case of pancreatitis.

Spend enough time to be sure that you know about bruising and what causes it before you attempt to treat them. Realizing what bruising really is and how it can affect your body will aid your determining what remedies are possibly going to work well for you. When it comes to bruising, it really is a case of discovering the best solution to suit your actual situation.

About the Author:

Thursday, May 14, 2009

What Is To Become Of Homeopathy In The Future

Homeopathy has grow in most every country around the world. However, homeopathy has grown under significant attack.

The National Health Care system in England has made it difficult to fund homeopathy due to pressure from some doctors in England. Other European countries are also following England's lead. Doctors say that there is no scientific evidence the homeopathy works and the NHS of England should not fund this type of operation. Homeopathic doctor referrals in England from general doctors has dropped significantly.

Most researchers point to very little evidence of homeopathy working. The war against homeopathy has intensified in the United Kingdom. Professor Edward Ernst and Simon Singh has challenged anyone to show homeopathy works for any condition. If someone show that it works, they will give the person $10,000 pounds. No one has yet to take the challenge. Most homeopaths think of this as a publicity stunt.

A Lancet trial done in 2005 titled the " End of Homeopathy" is what some people have used as their evidence against homeopathy. The trials showed that homeopathy is pretty much the same as a placebo. 110 trials were compared. The researchers found the larger higher quality trials to show that homeopathy is the same as a placebo. These trials were used as proof for the NHS to cut homeopathy from their system.

However, many other researchers found this trial had many issues including publication bias. The trial was not suitable for any medical journal to put into their publications. The conclusion of the Homeopathy Lancet trials is that this data is totally unreliable. Researchers manipulated the data to reach a preconceived conclusion about these trials. Conventional medicine showing a greater effect than a placebo or homeopathy was actually not true either.

Many people point to the attack on homeopathy in England as a good thing. If skeptics, scientists and medical doctors did not perceive you to be a threat, the attacks will not occur. Lancet trials where data was manipulated is also shameful. If you are going to use scientific trials against homeopathy, make sure you do them correctly. People will certainly analyze these trials to verify results and figures.

The question becomes have the attacks on homeopathy worked. That is hard to say. Homeopathy is still growing in England and everyone including medical doctors say this trend will continue. The attacks may have shunned some people away from homeopathy in the short term. There is really no evidence that the media coverage or the Lancet trials has prevented anyone from using homeopathy. Dwindling homeopathic referrals has not seen less homeopathic usage. Many people are simply buying the medicine without getting a prescription.

In summary, homeopathy continues to grow in every country every year. The attacks on homeopathy has not had significant effect on homeopathic usage. It is difficult to say whether these attacks have stinted the growth of homeopathy. The attacks certainly has not ended homeopathy popularity.

Sanjib Sarkar is a content writer for offers a vast selection of
homeopathy information to the public including homeopathic forums, homeopathic medicine blog and homeopathic remedy guides. Visit for more details.

Calcium and How To Lose Weight Fast: The Connection

Did you know that increasing your calcium intake can help you to lose weight fast? A new study shows that calcium may help prevent fat formation and aid in weight (fat) loss.

Based on earlier research that found obese men lost fat quickly on high calcium diets, a controlled study examined the impact of calcium intake and fat loss in mice. The research seems to show that high calcium intake may be a good idea for those interested in losing fat and keeping it off. In fact, calcium shows surprising slimming power, perhaps by stimulating hormones that govern the storage of fat into fat cells.

Hang Shi, a postdoctoral student in the Nutrition Institute at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville said,

"The effect of an increased calcium intake may help reduce body fat. The effect is very significant, much more than we imagined it would be."

His paper on the effects of a high-calcium diet in increasing body fat loss was presented at the Experimental Biology 2000 meeting in San Diego. "The magnitude of the findings was shocking," says Michael Zemel, PhD, director of the Nutrition Institute. In past studies, Zemel and colleagues have shown that calcium stored in fat cells plays a crucial role in regulating how fat is stored and broken down by the body. It's thought that the more calcium there is in a fat cell, the more fat it will burn.
Special Study Reveals Calciums Effect on Decreasing Body Fat:

In a special study on obese mice, those put on a diet and given calcium supplements experienced a 42% decrease in body fat, whereas mice dieting without supplements had only an 8% decrease. They also discovered a way to increase this fat loss by 69.4% by consuming natural forms of calcium found in foods instead of supplements.


Men of all ages need about 1,000 - 1,200 mg per day. The recommended intake is 1,000 mg for women 25 to 50 years of age and for women over 50 who take estrogen. For women 50 or older who are not taking estrogen and for all women over 65, 1,500 mg is recommended.

Eight ounces of milk (or yogurt) contains about 300 mg of calcium. However, some people are lactose intolerant so consuming dairy foods is not an option. In this case, your best bet is to consume green leafy vegetables and legumes to provide your daily allowance of calcium.

Of course, you can also take a calcium pill as this is an option. However, it's best to get your calcium from food sources because of their inclusion of other highly beneficial and necessary substances as well.

Good sources of natural foods that contain high amounts of calcium are:

* Sardines - 3 ounces = 371 mg.
* Collard Greens - 1 cup = 148-357 mg.
* Turnip Greens - 1 cup cooked = 194-249 mg.
* Kale - 1 cup cooked = 94-179 mg.
* Chinese Cabbage - 1 cup cooked = 158 mg.
* Shrimp - 3 ounces = 98 mg.
* Brocolli - 1 cup cooked = 94 mg.
* Green Beans - 1 cup cooked = 67 mg.
* Dried beans - 1 cup cooked = 50-90 mg.
* Eggs - 1 large egg = 30 mg.

Next, get my entire list of 20 "Blueprints" that allowed me to dramatically transform my body and win the 1998 Body For Life contest. Imagine finally getting the body you've always wanted!

Can You Lose Weight Quicker by Eating More Fat?

Eating certain types of fat helps increase the rate at which you can lose fat and weight

To lose weight quick is one of the more pervasive desires in our "quick-fix" society. Problem is, just being able to lose weight "at all" is what most people struggle with, much less the ability to lose weight quick.

However, there are a group of fats that, if ingested in adequate quantities, will actually help anyone lose weight quick. They are called Essential Fatty Acid's (EFA's).

EFA's are a group of fats categorized as "essential" because the body cannot make them from other fats you ingest. Also, specific substances found in EFA's are required by every cell in your body in order to function normally.

The two main groups of EFA's are the Omega 3 (alpha linolenic acid) and Omega 6 (linoleic acid) fatty acids.

If you get both of them in the right ratios your body will make important hormones called eicosanoids, or prostaglandins. These regulate everything that goes on in all the tissues of your body on a moment to moment basis. And, they can only be produced from EFA's. Reduce or eliminate your EFA intake and your body's regulatory process becomes less than optimal or even non-functional.

This can lead to a host of symptoms that can literally lead to your body deteriorating. In fact, you absolutely cannot live without EFA's they are that important. And the only way you can get get EFA's into your body is by getting it through your food intake.


Most of the food we eat today has been largely leached of the EFA's so vital to our very existence. Because a large percentage of the food we eat has been processed, most of the EFA's have been removed from those foods (they are very sensitive to heat and light). Too much of either causes EFA's to become rancid or depleted.

Now that you understand how important EFA's are here are some of their positive benefits:

* Lowers blood pressure
* Makes blood platelets less sticky
* Reduces the fat directly underneath the skin (subcutaneous fat)
* Testosterone is increased the higher your fat intake (up to about 35% of daily calories or so)
* Reduces appetite
* Improves skin conditions
* Increases metabolic rate (you burn more calories)
* Reduces degenerative diseases
* Anti-diabetic
* Anti-cholesterol
* Antioxidant
* Anti-inflammatory

Here are the some of the best sources for the Omega 3's and Omega 6's:

Omega 3's:

* Flax
* Fish (mackerel, salmon, tuna, trout, sardines)
* Green Vegetables (though you would have to eat a lot of them)

Omega 6's:

* Sunflower oil
* Sesame oil
* Walnuts

Best Omega 3/Omega 6 combo:

Udo's Choice Perfected Oil Blend (available at almost every health food store in the nation)
Final Recommendations:

Your diet should consist primarily of healthy proteins, green food (green and leafy vegetables), and essential fats. You should try and stay away from the traditional processed carbohydrates most of America eats and becomes fat on (at least most of the time).

Finally, make sure you take in adequate amounts of EFA's every day from the sources I listed above.

If taking in the Udo's oil, a good rule of thumb is 1 tablespoon for every 50-75 lbs of bodyweight. Udo Erasmus (the originator of this oil and inventor of the processs for extracting these highly delicate oils without damaging them by heat) says you know you have taken in enough when your skin becomes velvety soft. A good place to check for this is your elbows and knees. If they are still dry then increase your EFA intake until they become soft. Then, for you, this is the amount you need to continue taking for good health.

Next, get my entire list of 20 "Blueprints" that allowed me to dramatically transform my body and win the 1998 Body For Life contest. Imagine finally getting the body you've always wanted!

Monday, May 11, 2009

A Reiki Healing Session: What To Expect

Reiki is a form of energy healing that has become a popular complement to modern medicine as well as an alternative healing therapy used throughout the world. Although its roots can be traced back centuries, it developed in its modern form in Japan in the early twentieth century. And, it is from two Japanese words (rei and ki) that we get the word Reiki. Roughly translated, Reiki means "universal life energy".

Practitioners of Reiki believe that there is a type of subtle energy that flows in and around everyone and everything in the universe. It is this universal life energy that a Reiki practitioner attempts to channel to the afflicted person during a healing session.

Reiki practitioners believe that all illnesses have non-physical components. The purpose of a Reiki healing session is to channel additional life energy, or ki, to the person who suffers from some type of physical or mental trauma. The additional energy clears blockages and establishes an increased, and more efficient, internal flow of energy within the person. As this occurs, true healing can begin.

The time needed for an individual healing session varies depending on the client and the particular problem addressed. However, Reiki therapists generally schedule their sessions for 45-60 minutes. The client remains fully clothed during a Reiki session. He or she may lie flat or sit upright. It is especially important that both the healer and the person who has sought out healing feel comfortable, peaceful, and serene during the healing session. Soft lighting and relaxing music are often used by Reiki practitioners to increase these feelings.

When the client is comfortable, the therapist places his or her hands lightly on, or slightly above, the person's body. The hands of the healer are held palms down with fingers and thumbs extended. During the session, the Reiki therapist will move his or her hands to particular locations on the body, following a specific routine. There are 12-15 Reiki hand positions which correspond to energy centers. The healer will stop at each of these locations to transmit energy. The healer will pause at each location until the flow of energy seems to subside or stop. When the energy flow subsides, the therapist will move to another hand position, working from head to feet. It is important to note that a Reiki healer does not direct the energy in an active sense. The Reiki practitioner is merely a conduit. He or she simply adopts the intent to heal. The life energy itself is intelligent. It goes where it is needed.

A sensation of heat is often taken as an indication of Reiki energy flow. However, a wide range of personal perceptual experiences may be reported by both the healer and the recipient. Among other things, a tingling, coolness, warmth, or the sensation of colors may be experienced.

According to Reiki therapists, people typically leave a Reiki session feeling very relaxed and tranquil. However, recipients of Reiki therapy sometimes experience what therapists call a cleansing crisis. They may feel headachy, nauseous, dizzy, or weak. For Reiki practitioners, these symptoms are the result simply of the body getting rid of toxins and realigning itself to the flow of ki. Rest and increased fluid intake are often recommended to help the person cope with these symptoms.

Douglas Hardwick, Ph.D., has extensive interests in human development and holistic health issues. He contributes to a holistic health information hub:

The Original Meaning of Acupuncture

By Amanda Gamdana

One of the techniques of Traditional Chinese Medicine that is very close to Acupressure is Acupuncture. Like acupressure, this method uses the points of energy in the body called meridians; here fine needles penetrate the skin at those points - the method boosts good health and treats poor health.

In times of good health, the energy flows freely through the meridians but injuries and disease tend to block the flow. It is brought down to a simplistic explanation of getting the Qi or Chi to flow without any blockage through the human body in order to maintain a state of good health. You'll find that there are 14 meridians on the body and these have 365 points for acupuncture.

Trapped energy or Chi is stimulated and released by inserting special needles at specific locations or through acupressure depending on the nature of the illness. It is something like clearing the blocks in the path of the river to allow its free flow again. Chi may also flow either too quickly or too slowly, in which case acupuncture is used to regulate the stream of energy.

Within China, this particular form of medicine has been being practiced for a minimum of four thousand years, with all of these needles being found within archaeology digs of the late Shang Dynasty. Acupuncture is of three kinds: traditional Yin/Yang Theory, Five Elements and the Western or medical acupuncture. Though the diagnostic approach used by all the three methods is similar, the causes attributed to the illness and the treatment of the illness varies from one method to the other.

Chinese medicine believes that any form of physical illness is the outcome of stress and anxiety; the five element acupuncture also follows the same belief - the physical well being of a person is dependent on his psychological well being. Following on from this, physical symptoms can only be alleviated when those inner stresses are dealt with.

Five elements method is a slow process as it does not merely treat the symptoms but the reason behind the illness due to which the process takes a longer period of time to achieve full recovery. The traditional yin / yang theory focuses on restoring the overall balance of yin and yang in the body. Simultaneous stimulation of more than one element is achieved by stimulating the different acupuncture points on different meridians together.

Western Acupuncture uses a combination of both Eastern and Western medical techniques, focusing on critical and vital short-term treatment. Acupuncture is further divided into two classes, the first one being anesthetic acupuncture that is used by the dentists and during surgeries.

Symptomatic or 'first aid' is the second sub category; this is used mainly for temporary analgesic pain relieving. Problems like allergies, asthma, arthritis, depression, gynecological problems, and high blood pressure, infertility, and migraine have found effective cures in this line of treatment according to research done. As with healing methods dealing with energy, acupuncture effectively heals conditions not treatable with conventional treatment, persistent conditions and disorders and maladies arising due to lifestyles.

About the Author:

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Adjust Your pH Level

According to the Mayo Clinic, "A diet rich in certain alkaline foods, meaning foods that aren't acidic, won't cure cancer. Proponents of this diet claim foods such as soft drinks and meats make your body acidic, allowing cancer to flourish" (2005). Unfortunately, cancer, like many other serious illnesses, isn't that simple.

The Mayo Clinic elaborated about proponents of an anti-acid and anti-cancer diet stating, "The theory that acid causes cancer isn't true, and it isn't clear that what you eat has any impact on your body's overall acidity or alkalinity."

Free radicals have also been linked to cancerous cell growth. Many doctors confirm this fact. "Free radicals have long been known to be mutagenic," stated Dr. Tamer Fouhad (2002). "Animal and cell culture studies have suggested that antioxidants may slow or even prevent the development of cancer," according to the National Cancer Institute.
Recently, a controversy has developed over antioxidants and alkaline fruits and their effects on cancer. Specifically, some believe that cancer can be treated by consuming alkaline fruits and vegetables.

Many web merchants claim that an alkaline body may be able to significantly fight the pH of malignant cancer cells until they die. According to doctors, the claims of such merchants are false. Doctors from the Mayo Clinic, one of the world's most renowned medical treatment and diagnostic centers, say this cancer rumor is untrue.

Antioxidants are chemicals found in several food sources, like dark chocolate, green tea, red wine, vegetables, and fruits such as sour cherries, acaiberries, blueberries, mangosteen, and the noni fruit. Examples of antioxidants include beta carotene, lycopene, vitamin A, vitamin E, and vitamin C. Not only do antioxidant vitamins benefit your body with health benefits; they may also combat cancer according to reputable medical sources.

But, the American Cancer Society thinks more research is needed on the subject. They point out that different studies have had mixed results. Their official statement is that "too little is known about how antioxidant supplements actually act against disease." They do not, however, refute the claim.

Antioxidants are thought to bind with free radicals and thereby protect cellular DNA from harm, since free radicals are highly reactive and mutations in DNA can lead to cancer if flawed cells reproduce in large numbers. But, until more research is done, the ACS thinks the jury's still out on antioxidants.

Even if it is too soon for some organizations to endorse the beneficial effects of antioxidants in cancer prevention, a substantial body of evidence indicates its success. Incorporating antioxidants into your diet with fruit juices from mangosteen, pineapple, blueberries, pomegranate, star fruit and many other fruits is certainly worth a try when it comes to cancer prevention.

While the myth of an alkaline diet helping to prevent cancer is unclear, antioxidants have been found to help prevent cancer in certain studies. A healthy diet should include fresh fruits. Even the American Cancer Society states that the best way to reduce your cancer risk is to have a healthy diet that includes five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, so choose fruits rich in antioxidants to help tip the anti-cancer scales in your favor.

T. Fox researches workplace-environmental productivity and efficiency. Some of the contributors are better nutrients. People perform better when they are healthy, especially when they can manage depression with better nutrition. &

What Is Therapeutic Touch?

With the recent explosion of interest in alternative forms of healing, attention has turned to the practice of energy medicine. Energy medicine is an approach to healing based on the assumption that there is a natural field of energy that surrounds and penetrates every living thing. Within such an approach, practitioners attempt to manipulate the field of energy to encourage healing. Most forms of energy medicine developed originally in Asia. Therapeutic Touch, however, developed within the American nursing tradition in the 1970's.

Therapeutic Touch assumes that an individual's body, mind, and spirit form a complex energy field that extends beyond the surface of the body. According to proponents of Therapeutic Touch, an individual's level of health reflects the flow of life energy in and through that individual. In a healthy person there is a symmetrical and balanced flow of energy within the individual and in exchange with the environment. The free flow of energy in this way nourishes the individual and promotes vitality. When illness occurs or an injury happens, the flow of energy becomes obstructed or constricted. It is the practitioner's task is to find the obstruction, clear it, and re-establish an unrestricted flow of energy.

People who seek intervention through Therapeutic Touch remain fully clothed and may sit up or lie down during a healing session. A Therapeutic Touch session follows a series of prescribed steps. First the practitioner centers self. This is a brief period of meditation and concentration during which the practitioner withdraws his or her attention from the external world. Here the practitioner develops the calm detachment and intent to heal required to participate in the healing process.

Next, the practitioner conducts an assessment of the person who has sought healing. In this phase, the practitioner places his or her hands, palms down, a few inches above the patient's body. The practitioner then moves his or her hands above the patient's body, in a rhythmical motion, from head to foot. The practitioner intuitively searches for the areas of constriction and imbalance in the patient's energy field. Practitioners are said to sense these areas through subtle, but distinct, sensations in their hands (heat, cold, tingling sensations, etc.).

Once an area of congestion is found, the third phase begins. This is the intervention phase during which the practitioner attempts to relieve the congestion and balance the energy field. To do so, the practitioner moves his of her hands in long sweeping motions starting above the point of congestion and moving toward the toes. This process, called "unruffling" is intended to smooth out the energy field and move stagnant energy away from the patient. The practitioner continues in this way until the unusual sensations associated with the congestion are no longer felt.

Next, the practitioner directs additional energy to the patient. By directing additional life energy to the patient, the practitioner is helping to make up for an energy deficit that develops during an illness. The additional energy is said to help the patient's own healing processes function more effectively.

Finally, the practitioner engages in a period of evaluation and closure. Here the practitioner reassesses the patient's energy field to determine whether constrictions were missed. The practitioner also solicits feedback from the patient. Together, these sources of information, along with the practitioner's own intuitions, determine the end of a session.

Therapeutic Touch is most often practiced by nurses, but practitioners may be found among physicians, physical therapists, naturopaths, chiropractors, and massage therapists. Practitioners of Therapeutic Touch see it as an important complement to conventional medical care. According to its proponents, Therapeutic Touch reduces pain and lowers anxiety. It is said to heal fractures and wounds and to clear infections faster than conventional approaches alone. It also may be useful in the treatment of certain allergies and addictions. The relaxation response that occurs during a Therapeutic Touch session is especially important. Deep relaxation reduces stress and lowers blood pressure. These effects alone are likely to promote greater levels of health and vitality. If you are interested in finding a qualified practitioner of Therapeutic Touch, you should contact the Nurse Healers-Professional Associates International.

Douglas Hardwick, Ph.D., holds a doctorate in psychology from the University of Virginia. He has extensive interests in aging and holistic health issues. He recently developed a holistic health information hub: