Friday, December 19, 2008

The Largest Benefit of Probiotics

Most consumers constantly try to keep their world sterile. Such harmful microscopic germs and viruses as influenza and pneumonia keep parents on constant guard. Few parents are informed of the benefits of probiotic bacteria to their babies and children. These friendly organisms help before, during and after any illness or medication regimen.

Probiotics play an important role in baby's life even as they develop in the womb. Babies receive a natural boost of them into their own bodies as they pass through the birth canal. These friendly organisms help babies in the same ways they help adults. It is important for parents to understand that nature has already placed hundreds of similar microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract of all mammals. This is a natural defense against pathogens or harmful bacteria.

These defense bacteria create a barrier along the lining of the tract. This helps prevent harmful invaders from lodging themselves. Probiotics also stimulate the existing immune system. They help the body by stimulating production of various B vitamins as well as vitamin K. These organisms go even further by producing enzymes necessary for a healthy digestive system.

Probiotics are reported to help baby deal with common allergens and allergic reactions such as hay fever, eczema, and asthma. Breast-fed babies receive a natural boost from mother's milk. The rates of colic and other digestive problems are less in babies who have been breast-fed. There are existing formulas that contain additives with these bacteria. Parents should consult with their pediatrician before changing formulas.

These naturally occurring microorganisms are commonly found in yogurt. They can also be used in:

* Cottage cheeses

* Aged cheeses

* Certain pickles

* Some fruit juices

Probiotics are easily purchased in supplemental forms as well. They are currently available in health food stores as chewable tablets, powders, capsules, or in granulated forms. They are all taken orally and the majority work just as effectively when mixed with food or liquid.

One large benefit these helpful microorganisms have on babies is the replenishment of helpful bacteria lost from diarrhea. There are already a host of natural helpful organisms in a baby's digestive system. This delicate balance may become unbalanced from a variety of reasons.

Antibiotics help the body to fight off infections and illness. The antibiotics themselves will not distinguish between good and bad bacteria. Your baby can lose a number of the good one in their system. Common colds and the stomach flu also lessen the number of helpful organisms in a baby's system.

A supplement may help regulate your baby's body after these health problems. Probiotics have also been reported to lessen lactose intolerance in babies who have allergies. They may enhance your baby's immune system and boost their current levels of antioxidants.

Thrush is a common worry for parents. This is a form of yeast infection that is also known as Candida. There is a natural presence of Candida in the body that is kept regulated by natural probiotics. The use of bottles and pacifiers creates a perfect environment for this type of yeast infection. Antibiotics may also increase baby's risk for developing thrush. A good supplement from a trusted company may be the best advantage you can give your growing baby.

Billy Kite is a researcher writing on behalf of

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