Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Vitamin C and the Winter Cold

We are more susceptible to colds and flu when the weather grows cold. Your grandmother would say that it is because you don't wear your coat outside whereas some believe that vitamin C in larger doses during the winter months especially can help combat colds, but, does it really help?

It has always been a shared belief that the common cold can be thwarted by taking vitamin C. At the first sign of a cold, taking vitamin C supplements will lessen the symptoms and the duration of the cold. If taken before a cold can set in, often it won't develop at all.

Unfortunately research has shown this to be wishful thinking. Vitamin C has no more of a bearing on the common cold than wearing your coat all the time. Much to our surprise, colds still attack our bodies in spite of popping a few vitamin C lozenges. The one group of people the vitamin C did help in the way of colds were those whose body underwent stresses like well-conditioned athletes who over exert themselves during workouts.

Vitamin C may not have anything positive to do with fighting colds but it does have some remarkable properties that are worth mentioning. We don't need to overdo our consumption of vitamin C but getting the recommended daily allowance will bring with it some amazing things.

First of all, vitamin C is an antioxidant. Antioxidants are hot right now because of their disease fighting properties. Antioxidants fight the damage done to our internal organs by free radicals. Free radicals are by products of cellular reproduction that are unstable in their current form and try to steal what they need from the organs of the body.

Vitamin C helps prevent diseases like cancer and diabetes. It also fights the signs of aging. Vitamin C is a component of many skin renewal creams and lotions on the market.

This nutrient repairs the skin and other organs of the body that sustain damage from daily wear and tear along with the results of stress on the body. It builds up and strengthens the tissues of the body.

Vitamin C can be taken as a supplement but it is better received from the foods we eat. Orange juice is the first thing that springs to mind when we think of getting our daily allowance of Vitamin C.

Other citrus fruits also contain vitamin C, like strawberries. Juices often contain too much sugar. Eating vitamin C in actual fruit form is better tasting and better for you.

Have you had your vitamin C today? It may not prevent the common cold from attacking you this winter but it does prevent other things. Your body will look and feel better with a diet completed by vitamin C.

Dee Braun, a single mom of 6, is a Certified Aromatherapist and natural health practitioner. Click now to visit Remedies4.com at http://www.Remedies4.com/ - a large directory full of free natural health ebooks covering common ailments, illnesses, health conditions and natural healing techniques.

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