Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Caralluma Fimbriata-What is it and What is it Good For

The first time I heard of Caralluma Fimbriata, the main ingredient of Caralluma Burn, was from Dr. Nicholas Perricone. Dr. Perricone has appeared many times on Public Television during their fund raising events. He is a very well know physician who has written several books about weight loss and maintaining the appearance of youth.

Dr. Perricone said that Caralluma is without a doubt one of the best strategies I can think of for losing body fat, reducing your hunger and keeping your diet on tract.

Caralluma Fimbriata is from an cactus plant found in India that has been used for centuries. The ancient tribes of India would takes chunks of Caralluma on hunting trips, chew the Caralluma every now and then and could go for days virtually without eating while keeping their endurance.

Caralluma suppresses your appetite, blocks fat absorption and increases energy naturally all at the same time. The doses are very low and do not have the side affects normally associated with diet pills; jittery or sleeplessness just to name two.

St. John's Medical College and Hospital as well as the Western Geriatric Research Institute have done double blinded studies on Caralluma. The results have been remarkable. Increased weight loss compared to the placebo group with patients reporting feeling more energetic while gaining lean muscle mass and losing fat. And, most importantly, as metioned before, no side affects.

The main reason why most weight-loss programs fail is that the dieter always feels dull and tired after attaining weight loss. This makes the patient go back to his old eating habits and results in a rebound weight gain. Especially when the weight loss is sudden. If the dieter has incorporated new eating habits, the new habits haven't been around long enough and it's easy for the dieter to resume their un-healthy eating habits that caused the weight gain in the first place.

Using Caralluma Burn as part of your diet strategy will allow the user to feel more energetic after the weight loss instead drained and tired.

Because of Dr. Perricone recommending appetite suppressants containing caralluma, there should be no hesitation at all to start using it. He does not have any financial position with this product. He only recommends it because he feels that it will work for most dieters. Do not wait another day to start your road to a slimmer you. Aren't you tired of the extra weight? Don't you want your clothes to fit? Do no put it off. Start today. You will feel and look better in no time. Everyone will be so proud of you!

Vincent Licursi, an expert on weight control suggests Caralluma Burn as the ideal appetite suppressant to go along with a diet plan. Visit: http://www.squidoo.com/CARALLUMABURNFREETRIALOFFER and sign up for the free trial offer.

Lower Your Stress with Aromatherapy's Proven Benefits

By Melinda Masters

It's taken some time, and some (maybe a LOT) of the Western medical establishment will still make fun, but aromatherapy has been officially validated by science. Not just the killing of microbes by Tea Tree, mind you, but the practice of 'aroma-therapy' - the inhalation of essential oil vapors to effect the psyche. Now we can all breathe an even hardier sigh of relief, knowing we're not crazy for thinking we feel better when inhaling Lavender oil, but stressed out lab rats feel better, too! The natural health and wellness movement gets one more feather in its cap. Yes, this may not be news to long-time practitioners, but this validation has important implications for a therapeutic environment where unnatural medicines currently dominate the landscape.

In recent years, more and more clinical and laboratory research is uncovering the efficacy of essential oils used for their anti-anxiety effects. Thankfully, the application of the oils in these studies is relatively simple: both the inhalation of aroma and the topical application have demonstrable therapeutic activity. These methods are easily replicated by the professional and aromatherapy enthusiast alike. The oils can be diffused an any diffuser (as the concentrations from high end nebulizers are not required for this practice), used in aromatherapy massage, or simply worn as natural perfume. Several readily available essential oils have statistically significant data to support their use in stress reduction - here's a look at some of the most often studied ones...

Lavender has been the most frequently studied of all the essential oils. Its anti-anxiety (or simply 'relaxing') action has been documented both in the laboratory (using stressed-out mice and rats) and in clinical environments with actual human beings. Many, many studies have reported the same thing: inhalation of lavender oil brings calm under a great variety of conditions. At least one study compared Lavender oil aroma to that of Juniper, Cypress, Geranium, Jasmine and Frankincense. It was only the Frankincense that had a somewhat similar effect, but not nearly as effective as Lavender. Several studies compared Lavender's effect to diazepam (Valium) with Lavender's aroma having similar (but likely more healthy) calming results. In other studies, Lavender has been shown to improve sleep, decrease conflict between animals, and reduce the amount of pain medication needed by recovering hospital patients.

Sandalwood oil is another well-known stress reducer. For those that may not enjoy the floral aroma of Lavender, Sandalwood could be the oil of choice. Its warm, earthy scent is grounding and centering, being used by some spiritual traditions to enhance relaxed, focused meditative states. The science shows similar results - Sandalwood oil topically applied relaxed the body while stimulating psyche. Studies on sleep/wake cycles using Sandalwood oil topically improved the quality of sleep and lessened waking episodes. A small study using Sandalwood suggested the oil may be helpful in reducing anxiety for palliative care patients. Beyond the scope of Western scientific inquiry, Sandalwood oils and pastes have been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of psychological disorders, utilizing its sublime mental-health promoting actions.

While Sandalwood and Lavender have the most data to back them up, many other essential oils have had positive test results. Rose is a standout; it has also been tested alongside Valium (apparently the anti-anxiety gold standard) with better and longer-lasting results. The rose aroma's effect seem to increase over time, where as benzodiazepines' effect will tend to decrease - and the test subjects appeared less confused or sedated. Rose, like Lavender, reduced conflict between test subjects as well. For a little variety, you can mix Rose and Sandalwood together (try a 1:4 ratio)...this is a classic Indian aromatic blend combining two of the world's best known anti-anxiety scents.

Other oils found in research databases include Angelica, Chamomile, Lemon, Lemongrass, Tagetes and Ylang Ylang. Some oils tested didn't show repeatable results in the laboratory environment, but if you find and oil aroma that you find relaxing, it's more than likely not purely 'in your head'; the olfactory (smell) sense is the one of the five senses most directly wired to the brain's emotional centers. These are, in turn, directly wired to the autonomic nervous system controlling functions such as heart rate, breathing rate, and blood pressure - all of which are closely tied to one's level of stress.

So what to do with these stress relieving wonders? They're really easy to use - one of the great features of aromatherapy. Both topical application and inhalation show repeatable results in laboratory tests. A common method of topical application is to dilute the essential oil in a carrier oil like Jojoba down to 10% or less. Essential oils tend to pass easily into the bloodstream when applied to the skin, so nearly any technique will do. A few drops of your mixture can be placed on the wrists and rubbed together (this is nice, as you'll smell the aroma as well). For inhalation, there's a great many aromatherapy diffusers available, from little, inexpensive plug in units, to professional models which make a cloud of pure, intense aroma. For anxiety relief, any model where you can smell the aroma will do the job - the higher end diffusers tend to bathe a larger area in your aroma of choice.

Choosing an oil for yourself (or helping your children / family / loved one's decide) is easy. What do you (or they) like to smell? One of the simplest yet most profound aspects of aromatherapy for the psyche is the legitimacy of individual of aroma preference. As uncovered by the laboratory studies, oils of greatly differing aromas can have similar anxiolytic action. While some people love flowery scents, others are drawn towards woods and resins. And it may be that someone who likes the relaxing/stimulating aroma of Rose needs that dual-effect; others loving Sandalwood might be better off with its centering/grounding action. In a word: experiment. Many companies will offer small sizes or even samples. Once you find one or more aromas that suit your needs, play with them - have fun! Whatever way you choose to indulge your senses, health, and wellness with essential oils...you can take comfort in knowing the science of aromatherapy is there to back you up.

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What You Need To Know About Aromatherapy

By Ferdinand Mekinsy

More recently, the field of aromatherapy has extended to the manufacturing of various products for the general household freshening or as bug repellent elements. Presently, essential oils are also generally used in the design of cosmetic commodities such as perfumes, soaps, facial toners and lotions; the natural components make the products a lot more reliable and safer to use.

Aromatherapy candles are suitable for the soothing of headaches, the calming of the irritated sinus or in the treatment of asthma and allergy symptoms. Moreover, natural fragrances have great tension and anxiety releasing properties with applications in every day life. The blends of essential oils are not restricted to the making of aromatherapy candles, they are also included in the composition of soaps, sprays, body lotions and bath salts. Simple natural treatments, this is the motto that best describes the extensive application of aromatherapy candles by people all over the world. How do aromatherapy candles work and how good are they for one's health?

The greatest applications for aromatherapy remedies are those that aim at improving nervous conditions like high irritability, sleeplessness, concentration deficiencies and the like. Depending on how severe the problem is, more or less intense aromatherapy remedies can be used but only at the recommendation of an expert. Thus, candles and herbal bath salts can improve the mood and allow one to develop the relaxation state necessary for a good night' rest. More severe conditions involve the controlled exposure to more complex aromatherapy remedies preferably in a therapeutic professional environment.

Mention must be made that aromatherapy for depression is very often misconstrued and conducted improperly or superficially. Using essential oils at home could be a true relief, however you should also consider the instructions or the recommendations of the therapist; the best results in the use of aromatherapy for depression treatment have been registered with the practice in an organized professional environment. Thus, the therapist has a direct control of the session and the exposure to more concentrated doses of volatile oils triggers a better response on the part of the nervous system. The inhalation of the extracts is often gradual and closely supervised so that no side effects may surface.

Aromatherapy soy candles are made of one hundred percent pure soy wax that ensures a clean-burning period without any dripping or soot formation. Quality aromatherapy soy candles include only herbal colorants, which implies that the shades of green, rose, yellow or blue are the result of mixing natural pigments extracted from various herbs. Nevertheless, the element that distinguishes these candles from scented products is the all natural presence of essential oils in the composition. Here are a few features of aromatherapy soy candles that you should consider before making a purchase; yet, the products will very much speak for themselves once you try them for yourself.

The processes for procuring essential oils are closely connected with the variety of aromatherapy recipes. Even when made from the same plant, the oils vary in terms of concentration and properties. To start from a basic example, keep in mind the fact that the essential oils can be extracted from blossoms, roots, wood or from the entire plant. The creation of the aromatherapy recipes is just the beginning of a process that starts with the distillation, the maceration, the pressing or the solvent extraction of the essential oils. The specificity of one recipe or another will therefore depend on the manufacturing of the essential oils too.

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Monday, December 29, 2008

Fish Oil that's Good for Heart Health and Research

By Michael Byrd

Fish oil for heart health is an interesting topic. And there is a good reason for this.

Almost all newspapers or magazines have their own research news on the amazing health benefits of fish oil for heart health. Doctors, nutritionist, trainers and exercise buffs highly recommend it. And just recently, my vet recommended fish oil capsules for the heart health of Phytho, my choco lab.

Certainly most people may have heard of the wonderful cardiovascular health benefits of omega 3 fish oil, however not many know the exciting scientific studies which proves the results behind the fish oil for heart health craze.

A report that was published in Circulation, an official journal of the American Heart Association, provided an extensive detail of how omega 3 fatty acids from fish enhances circulation and why fish oil is effective for the health of your heart and cardiovascular system in several ways.

The study showed that fish oil fatty acids can help in decreasing cholesterol, avoid irregular heartbeat and reduce blood clots. It also lowers blood pressure and triglycerides and balances HDL and LDL, loosens the arterial walls and inhibits the development of new plaque and inflammation, vasoconstriction, platelet aggregation and a lot more. [Vol. 106:2747]

Remarkable! How some scientists have even suggested that a depressed person can get help from omega 3 fish oil. It is good for the broken hearted.

A group of doctors published a study in the Journal of American Medical Association on all the positive effects that increase fish oil consumption can do on lowering a man's risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). Nevertheless, because more women die of heart disease than any other cause, the scientist also wanted to discover if fish oil can provide the same health benefits for women as it can for men.

84,688 women were followed for 16 years and the doctors came to the conclusion that those who consumed 5 or more servings of fish a week had lesser chances of CHD or dying from a heart attack, compared to those who consumed less fish. [Vol. 287, No. 14]

In my own point of view, this makes it clear that fish oil for heart health is essential. But it may be interesting to know how much is needed? Recommendations usually suggest 5 or more servings of oily, cold water fish a week. It can greatly help enhance your heart health, but sometimes it may fall short. Studies however recommend that 1 to 3 grams of fish oil daily is enough for a healthy cardiovascular system.

A definite way to get this amount is from supplementing your diet with pure omega 3 fish oil capsules which can provide you a balance of all eight naturally occurring omega 3 fatty acids.

So that is the reason why everyone recommends fish oil for heart health. Would you want to do something about your health now? It actually won't get you into too much trouble to improve your health and believe me it is worthwhile. You will definitely find it nice to have a pain free, happy, healthy life when you grow old.

Of course it is! And it may start this moment, if you take action and follow this advice.

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Acne -Alternative Treatments that Work

There are several acne alternative treatments that can help impede or even cure acne.

The Chinese believe that acne is caused by toxicity and heat in the blood stream. Some view acne as a digestive problem where the poisons from poor digestion are discharged into the skin.

One of the most elemental alternative acne treatments is to consume a low fat diet, maintain proper hygiene, and eat proper vitamins.

Saturated fat intake should be kept to a minimum, as they can damage the tissue of the body, and also induce inflammation. It has also been proposed to abstain from foods that may cause heat to build up in the body, like garlic, coffee, or spicy foods.

Plenty of Vitamin A should be consumed, as it is essential for healthy skin. Zinc is also important as it helps heal the skin, and reduces hormonal imbalances.

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential as they maintain cell membranes and aid in the transport of nutrients to the cells. Acidophilus capsules may be used to help with digestion.

Daily bowl movements are important so a high fiber diet should be adhered to. For acne that is cause by menstruation Vitamin B-6 is important as it can help regularly maintain the proper metabolism of the increased release of hormones.

Some acne alternative treatments that may be applied directly to the skin include a honey facial. This is done by putting uncooked honey onto ones face and leaving it on the skin for five to ten minutes. Honey is said to revitalize the skin.

Alternately tea tree oil may be applied to the skin. This has been said to impede bacteria from growing on the skin. Exfoliants may be used to treat acne and pimples. Glycolic acid and lactic acid are alpha-hydroxyl acids that are found in citrus fruits. It is suggested that they lessen dead skin cells from building up. Therefore lemon juice can be mixed with water and applied to the face. The juice should be allowed to dry on the skin for up to ten minutes and then is should be rinsed off. If one has sensitive skin more water may be required to the blend so the individual doesn't experience too much of a "burning" sensation.

Herbalists have their own concoctions to use as pimple alternative treatments. They suggest evening primrose oil, or black current seed oil capsules. Alternatively some recommend teas with Echinacea or goldenseal.

Exercise and relaxation are also important alternative treatments for acne, as the body needs to be at its peak. While alternative acne treatments are controversial, especially with doctors, their success depends highly on the individual and the degree of acne they are suffering from.

Vincent Licursi is an expert on Acne Outbreaks, Prevention and Scarring. He recommends Acnezine as his favorite product for Acne Treatment.
Acnezine is offering Vincent's readers a free 2 month supply. Visit here for more information: http://www.MindBlowing-Acne-Skin-CareNow.info

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Just What is Holistic Healing?

Holism is the idea that all the properties of a given system, whether chemical, biological, mental, economic, cannot be quantified by its component parts, but rather, the systems as a whole determines in an important way much the parts behave and interact with each other.

The principle of holism was first accurately summarized by Aristotle when he said, "the whole is greater than the sum if its parts." Holistic healing, therefore, operates in part on the theory that treating the whole body is better than treating any single symptom.

In the 1970s, holism, or holistic healing was becoming known as one way to work with psychosomatic phenomena, and now holistic healers seek to adopt a holistic approach to healing medical issues that go beyond the psychological to the physical.

The approach calls for an in-depth and honest evaluation of the emotional, mental, spiritual and physical elements of a patient, and treats the "whole person" in that context, believing all factors to be related and in keeping with the basic premise of Aristotle's declaration.

Today, there are many different branches of the holistic medicine world. The approaches include chiropractic, homeopathy, traditional Chinese medicine, naturopathy, and reflexology, to name a few.

Most holistic approaches have little basis in traditionally accepted science, and therefore many practitioners feel the practice is poorly understood. Indeed, much miscommunication is attached as the holistic healers claim to act upon a central "vital force," "life force," or "qi" ("chi"). This claim alone puts the entire approach at odds with traditional science.

Taoism is a particular branch of holism that focuses on nature, species' interaction with each other, and spontaneity. Taoist writings first appear in ancient China around 600 BC. Those writings propose a philosophical detachment, allowing things to take their own natural course without interference. By remaining quiet and receptive, one lives in harmony with natural flow of life, with the Dao, the unnamable eternal Reality.

Any way you look at it, Taoism, and holism in general, in matters of health and healing, address more than the microscopic evaluation of a particular system, but rather how that system is reacting to its surroundings, and how it is affecting those surroundings in turn.

Holistic healing, then, approaches illness in a broader context than traditional medicine. Taoists feel that healing can occur when one comes into harmony with one's surroundings, or when one's surroundings are brought into harmony with the life force of the individual.

Nevertheless, many traditional physicians view it as nothing more than hocus-pocus.

Tao Holistic Healing (http://taoholistichealing.com/) is a holistic healing and learning center. Art Gib is a freelance writer.

Natural Treatments For Tinnitus

By Dorrelle Birmingham

Are you suffering from Tinnitus and are you looking for Tinnitus treatment options that work? If you do enough research on the subject of tinnitus treatments you will soon discover that there actually is no conventional tinnitus treatment available.

Homeopathic or herbal remedies are your only options right now for relief from tinnitus. This article will give you information on the different tinnitus treatments that provide you with lasting effects, a thing medical science has not yet been able to do.

Most people develop tinnitus when they get old or when they work in very noisy places. You can also get tinnitus from excessive earwax or an ear infection.

Whilst tinnitus can be a difficult condition to manage, there are a few other approaches to consider. Taking steps to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, reducing stress and increasing the immune system are all beneficial tasks to undertake.

Tinnitus remedies is one of great demand as over 17% of the population suffer from it.

Treatment Options for Tinnitus

There have been numerous success testimonies using natural treatments. These treatments may range from herbal treatments to vitamin therapy.

Herbal and Vitamin Treatments

Tinnitus relief using this method is normally as a result of the improving health and stronger immune system of the sufferers who follow this regimen. you may choose to use any of the following tinnitus treatments: Ginko, Zinc, Vitamin C and B Complex.

Eating the right foods or taking supplements that provide you with these vitamins and minerals are important. This is because it is necessary for body functions and are not naturally produced by the body hence, making it mandatory to take them every day.

Taking these supplements or eating the right foods will help to repair sensory cells that are damaged hence relieving tinnitus and boosting your immune system.

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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Mind Blowing Natural Treatments For Acne

Do you know how to treat your pimple outbreaks?

Finding a remedy for your acne problems is not as hard as you might think. The key to pimple treatment is finding an acne natural cure that works for your particular type of acne outbreak.
You just need a bit of patience and experimentation to have a clear and healthy complexion.

Find out about some treatments for stubborn skin problems that you can use at home. One type of acne natural cure that treats blackheads is a wash of milk and lime. Get some fresh milk and bring it gently to a boil. Add the juice from a single lime, and gently wash your face. Make sure that the water is cool enough to avoid doing any damage to your skin.

You can also try to use a natural astringent for deep cleaning of your pores. All you need is a leafy mango from your local grocery store. Boil it in some water and after it cools, rub it gently on your face. If your acne trouble is not too severe, you can just leave the mango to soak overnight. This is an acne natural cure that will thoroughly cleanse your pores.

Some of the natural foods we eat are also effective forms of acne natural cure. If you are suffering from whiteheads, you should try a raw potato. The vitamin C in the potato gives your skin a healthy glow, and its alkaline clears the bacteria in your face. It also has an acid that scrubs away dead or dying skin cells on your face, making it an ideal acne natural cure.

You can also use a raw papaya fruit to treat the pimples on your face. These treatments also help your skin to stay healthy by preventing the spread of any infection.

You can also find that your skin becomes a little dry after trying an acne natural cure. You can re-hydrate your skin by using almond oil. Buy a bag of almonds, and grind four or five good sized nuts with water. Spread the paste on your face, but do not scrub. It will smooth and add some moisture to your face.

Curds and buttermilk are also effective for skin dryness. If you are not satisfied with the results of over the counter medication, then you should try an acne natural cure. Take your time to find the best treatment that will help you have a clear and healthy skin.

Vincent Licursi is an expert on Acne Outbreaks, Prevention and Scarring. He recommends Acnezine as his favorite product for Acne Treatment.
Acnezine is offering Vincent's readers a free 2 month supply. Visit here for more information: http://www.MindBlowing-Acne-Skin-CareNow.info

Herbal Remedies and Natural Liver Detoxification Resources

By Codi Heart

Truthfully, I did not enjoy writing this article. I started out as usual sitting myself down comfortably in front of my laptop, an especially deep ashtray on the desk to the left of the computer. I conveniently located my over sized cup of very sugary coffee in close proximity to my headache medication. I did however begin a search on the internet to learn all I could regarding liver detox.

My general knowledge of medical subjects is very limited. Unlike so many others I do not remember to take medications and I never research every aliment that I am diagnosed with. Halfway through my coffee and puffing on my second cigarette, I learned that the two gallstones I have had for a while are actually solidified substances that were in the liquid bile secreted by my liver, probably because it contained too much cholesterol, bile salts or bilirubin. If they are displaced, my average sized gallstones could obstruct the circulation of bile from my gallbladder. These could generate a gallbladder attack accompanied with lots of pain.

The situation above occurs when natural liver detox process is no longer able to filter the toxins that have accumulated as a result of cigarette smoke, environmental pollutants, unhealthy diet and the intake of large quantities of caffeine in combination with painkillers that contain paracetamol. I stopped reading at that point, made a second cup of coffee and decided on the subject of this article.

Herbal detoxification, exercise to help blood circulation flow, and a liver-friendly diet are the ideal elements of detoxifying naturally. Everyone knows about exercise and liver-friendly diets are a bore to write about, but you can read about herbs that are beneficial to the functioning of your liver below. You will find that the herbs are not only easy to use, and affordable but you will not have a hard time locating them.

* The chemical cyranin enhances the liver's manufacture of bile as it fortifies the bile duct, this chemical is found in the leaves of Globe artichokes. Since artichokes can mobilize fat stored in the liver they are used for lowering cholesterol.

* By increasing bile production and flow is how Dandelion stimulates the livers detoxification function. As a chemical that tones and strengthens the liver, it also contains potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and significant amounts of choline. The roots are the most beneficial part of this herb and you can boil them to make a tea.

* A popular herb that most doctors will tell you to use if Milk Thistle because it helps with liver function complications that are brought on by misuse of drugs and alcohol.

* Eating rosemary will help with the functioning of your liver and minimize inflammation that may later cause liver disease because it contains to helpful acids caffeic and rosemarinic. It has been found that Rosemary extract can increase or accelerate the function of liver enzymes, and can flush toxins from the liver.

* Turmeric has a wide range of health-promoting properties, one of which is liver cleansing. It contains an oil curcuminoids, that help reduce build-up of toxins by increasing the livers output of glutathione, a powerful enzyme that helps the liver rid itself of toxins. A peppery root that gives a special flavor and a warm yellow color to rice, beans, vegetables, chicken and fish is called Turmeric. It is a traditional mainstay of herbal therapy that is believed to shrink enlarged hepatic ducts, ducts that carry bile from the liver to the common bile duct leading to the small intestines and it may even be useful in the treatment of serious liver conditions such as hepatitis and cirrhosis.

* Chicory is a well-known coffee substitute. Bile production and liver cleansing are made possible by utilizing the components contained within its flowers, seeds and roots. You will find that in addition to reducing the work that is required on the liver, it also acts as a diuretic and laxative. An easy way to consume this herb is to add fresh chicory leaves to salads or to drink chicory tea or chicory coffee.

Herbs alone cannot help a natural liver detox. It must be combined with a healthy diet and life style, such as avoiding alcohol, drugs, smoking, and exercising regularily. The story will need to end here as I must run off to check the kitchen shelf. I am certain that there is Turmeric and Rosemary in there.

About the Author:

Friday, December 26, 2008

Oscillococcinum Tested By A Series Of Homeopathy Flu Trials

In this article, we are going to examine a series of flu trials with the Boiron homeopathic product Oscillococcinum.

Oscillococcinum is the homeopathic remedy Anas Barbariae 200C. This remedy basically consists of a combination of wild duck heart and duck liver. It is diluted in a session of 200 times. The remedy is so dilute that it pass Avagardo's number. Critics claim there is no substance to this remedy because of the high level of dilution. Oscillococcinum remedies needs only one duck to produce enough of this homeopathic remedy to supply the entire world. This remedy is extremely popular which can be found in 52 countries around the world.

Oscillococcinum is marketed as a product that can prevent the flu if taken regularly. The medicine also says that once you get the flu, taking this remedy may shorten the time that you have the flu. Several trials have been done to examine these theories.

The first trials were done by Vickers and Smith. They examined whether Oscillococcinum can prevent flu and shorten the duration of the flu compared to a placebo. Theses trials had 3 preventions trials totalling 2265 people and 4 treatment trials of 1194 people. Only 2 of these 7 trials had good enough data to finish the trial. There is no evidence that Oscillococcinum can prevent the flu from the trials. The second trial with 700 participants showed that Oscillococcinum can shorten the duration of the flu by about .28 days. This amounts to be about 7 hours.

The Vickers flu trials are the largest trials in homeopathy to date. Some other trials also came to similar conclusions with this homeopathic remedy. These other trials also examined factors such as chills, fever, stiffness and nasal discharge.

Two trials by the researcher Cassonova tested Oscillococcinum at the onset of flu like symptoms. The first trial with 100 patients tested this remedy within 48 hours of catching the flu. The homeopathic medicine group showed a reduction of chills, stiffness, fever and reported a more successful outcome. The homeopathy group showed no improvement in nasal discharge as compared with the placebo group.

In the second Cassonova trial with 300 patients, Oscillococcinum was tested upon the onset of flu like symtoms without the 48 hour waiting time. In day two, the fever was lower for the homeopathy group compared to the placebo group. By day four of treatment, the Oscillococcinum group reported fewer chills and less aches and pains then the placebo group.

Researcher Ferley with 478 patients tested Oscillococcinum within 24 hours of flu like symptoms. The results from this trial was within 48 hours, 66% greater chance of full recovery from the homeopathy group compared to the placebo group. The homeopathy group also had a more favorable opinion of the medicine as compared to the placebo group.

The final research study that we will examine in this article is by researcher Papp with 372 patients. This is a followup study to the previous study. This study examined pretty much the same criteria as the Ferly study. Twenty four hours of catching the flu, the homeopathy group showed a shorter duration of the flu and less severe symptoms as compared to the placebo group with in 48 hours.

In conclusion, Oscillococcinum shows no evidence that it can prevent people from catching the flu. Studies have shown that Oscillococcinum seems to shorten the duration of the flu. Most of the researchers in these trials say that more research with larger groups are needed to confirm that this homeopathy remedy does shorten the duration of the flu. However, many of these trials do have a fairly large amount of partcipants as the researchers have noted.


1) Vickers A, Smith C. Homoeopathic Oscillococcinum for preventing and treating influenza and influenza-like syndromes. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2006, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD001957. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD001957.pub3.

2) Centre de Recherche et de Documentation Technique,
University of Marseilles, France.

3) Centre de Recherche et de Documentation Technique,
University of Marseilles, France.

4) Ferley JP, Zmirou, D'Adhemar D, Balducci E,
"A Controlled evaluation of a homeopathic preparation
in the treatment of influenza-like syndromes".
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 1989, 27; 329-335.

5) Papp R, Shuback G, Beck E, Burjard G, Bengel J,
Lehri S, Belon P
"Oscillococcinum in patients with influenza like syndromes
: a palcebo controlled double-blind evaluation."
British Homeopathic Journal. April 1998, Vol. 87, pp 69-76.

Sanjib Sarkar is a content writer for Hmedicine.com.
Hmedicine.com offers a vast selection of
homeopathy information to the public including homeopathic forums, homeopathic medicine blog and homeopathic remedy guides. Visit http://www.hmedicine.com for more details.

Stretch Your Way to Better Sleep

There are a lot of different things that you can do in order to help you if you are having a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep. Unfortunately, many of these things are going to take additional effort on our part but if we are persistent in doing them, we will be able to reap the rewards. Although we should make sure of what we are eating and stay away from any kind of stimulating drinks whenever it is close to bedtime, something that many people are missing is exercise.

I know what you are probably thinking. Exercising does take effort and many of us only consider exercise to be something that makes us break a sweat. The fact of the matter is, there are certain types of exercise that we can do which are actually quite relaxing. A good example of this is stretching exercises. Not only is this going to help our bodies to get into shape but it will also do so without making us go through any sort of rigorous activity.

One of the things that stretching will do for us is to release serotonin into our systems. Serotonin naturally makes us feel better and puts us into a good mood. If you are having a difficult time sleeping because you are dealing with stressful situations and cannot get them off of your mind, serotonin may be able to help you in this regard. Another reason why it is good is because it put your body back into balance which is one of the main reasons why people are dealing with insomnia in the first place. Yes, the details may differ but it is almost always a lack of balance in the body.

It is not necessary for you to do a lot of stretching on a daily basis. As a matter of fact, just getting up and stretching on occasion and then perhaps doing a stretching routine for 15 to 20 minutes per day is all that is necessary to see some changes take place. There are plenty of DVDs which you can buy that will walk you through every step of the process. Take your time and really allow your body and mind to relax whenever you're going through your stretching exercises. You will probably find that within a week, you are able to sleep better as a result.

Thomas Sherwood has had trouble with his sleeping habits, now he uses all natural ways to sleep.

You too can cure your sleep disorders naturally, please visit http://www.thenaturalcuresforinsomnia.com/

Nutritional Benefits of Probiotics

Healthy adults around the globe can benefit from adding probiotic supplements to their diet. One major population that can gain health-related rewards from this practice are senior citizens. Many senior citizens must maintain regimens of prescription medication. This practice, along with a poor diet or simple stress, can weaken the body's natural immunities. A probiotic supplement can help strengthen the body naturally.

Probiotics function as friendly bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. They have been reported to assist in numerous common ailments. The helpful microorganisms reside in the tract as a barrier against other harmful bacteria and pathogens that can cause a variety of illnesses. This is a natural process overall. Scientists report that there are over 400 of these microorganisms living in a healthy gastrointestinal tract.

The friendly bacteria stimulate the body's production of necessary digestive enzymes. This improves the overall digestive system. They help the body to produce a variety of B vitamins as well as give the body vitamin K. They also offer a boost of antioxidants to strengthen the immune system.

Probiotic bacteria can be taken in many forms today. It is available in the grocery store in many dairy products. Yogurt and cheeses offer the highest levels because the bacteria are often used in processing milk into dairy products. They may also be found in some varieties of pickles and fruit juice.

Probiotic supplements are also available in a variety of forms at your nearest health and nutrition store. They are available in powders, tablets, capsules and in granulated form. All are taken orally and may be mixed with food.

These helpful organisms have been shown to decrease allergic reactions in patients who have lactose intolerance or hay fever. Some individuals with skin conditions such as eczema have reported some relief after developing their own regular regimen.

Our bodies are constantly changing. These changes may greatly decrease the body's natural defenses. Antibiotics are often necessary in our body's fight against infection. This also means that the antibodies will target both good and bad bacteria. You may be more susceptible to contracting illness once your round of antibiotics has stopped.

Stress is often a major factor in weakening our bodies. Senior citizens may experience greater amounts due to the changes in life and their environments. A probiotic regimen may help alleviate these issues and prevent many common illnesses with regular use.

Poor diet is another major factor in the loss of helpful bacteria. Carbonated beverages are common in our diets and may deplete the levels normal in the human body. They may also diminish your body's probiotic levels. Other contributing factors that will lessen your body's natural defenses include:

* Depression/Anxiety

* Non-organic foods

* Excessive sugars or fats in diet

* Influenza or stomach flu

* Urinary tract infections

* Yeast infections

These friendly bacteria will have a wonderful impact on those who incorporate a probiotic routine into their daily diet. Your physician will provide detailed information based upon your current state of health.

Billy Kite is a researcher writing on behalf of http://www.ganedenlabs.com

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Acidity vs Alkalinity - Balancing Your Body's PH

All of the cells in our body require the proper pH balance to function at an optimal level. If our body is acidic or too alkaline, chemical reactions including enzyme activity, cellular repair, and cellular reproduction are inhibited.

Raymond Francis writes, "On the pH scale, 7 is neutral; 0 to 7 is acidic, and 7 to 14 is alkaline. The normal pH inside a cell is 7.4, which is slightly alkaline. Maintaining normal pH in the fluid inside the cell as well as the other body fluids is crucial for keeping the body systems functioning normally."

While most of the body can still operate, however poorly, outside of the optimum pH zone, blood cannot. Dr. Shillington writes, "Your blood operates between 7.3 and 7.5 on the alkaline side of this pH scale. If it goes out of this range, you're dead!"

Fast foods and processed foods are highly acidic. So how do we survive eating a Big Mac and a Coke? Our bodies pull alkalizing minerals--calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium from soft tissues, organs, glands, and bones to neutralize the acid and return our blood to the proper pH balance.

If we continually eat a diet high in acidic foods, chronic acidosis will result. "Eventually, as time goes by, your body will leech your teeth and bones of their much needed calcium to balance this out-of-whack situation," writes Dr. Shillington.

"This is the 'cause' behind arthritis, bone loss, tooth decay, liver and kidney failure, and a multitude of other diseases too numerous to mention. According to my up-to-date research, every disease has some connection to an acid/alkaline imbalance."

The typical American diet is very high in protein. Most meat eaten is not organic and the animals are not fed their natural foods. Cows' main diet staple is grass, but we proudly hail the "best choice meat" as "grain fed."

Grains are not the natural diet of cows. When they eat grains, their bodies become acidic and they are more likely to become ill. They are then shot full of antibiotics (in addition to hormones) and we eat meat which is more acidic than nature intended.

In addition, our industrial society pollutes water, feeds us chemical laden foods sprayed with poisons, wraps and stores foods in toxic plastic and Styrofoam, and encourages us to eat fast foods and processed foods. Is it any wonder chronic illnesses and devastating disease has reached epidemic proportions?

Though the belief that chronic acidosis is the cause of chronic illness or the basis for much of our disease today is not upheld by mainstream conventional medicine, conventional medicine does agree that acid diets pull calcium from bones and that alkaline diets help prevent osteoporosis, kidney stones, and age-related waste of muscle mass.

When you think about acidity of foods, you may immediately think of citric acid in oranges, lemons, and limes. Citrus fruits are acidic, but they turn alkaline when digested. The same is true for tomatoes. It doesn't matter whether a food is acidic or alkaline.

What matters is how it is chemically metabolized in the body. You may search through books on the subject and through sites on the Internet to find lists ranking foods on the pH scale. Unfortunately, the lists are not comprehensive nor are they in agreement, but they all do say to increase fruits and vegetables.

So how do you use this new information? How can you find out if your body is acidic? You can test your pH using the same test strips you might have used in high school chemistry class or to test the pH in your aquarium. Some recommend testing both saliva and urine.

Raymond Francis recommends measuring your first morning urine before you eat. "This test offers an indicator of your cellular pH and can be used to monitor changes as you work to normalize your pH. First morning urine should be in the range of 6.5 to 7.5.

If readings fall below 6.5, you are too acidic. Occasional readings above 7.5 are normal, but consistent readings above 7.5 are an indication of tissue breakdown, and a pH over 8.0 is a serious matter."

What's the easy way to make sure your body is not too acidic or alkaline? How do you make sure your body has the right amount of omega 3s and omega 6s? How do you make sure your food has just the right amount of vitamins and minerals? How do you decrease the number of toxins you ingest? How do you rid your body of all virtually all disease and illness? Does it seem overwhelming? It's not. It's simple. Eat more raw, fresh, organic foods!

Michael Edwards is the chief editor of Organic Lifestyle Magazine, a free online magazine. Subscribe for free at http://www.greenmagazines.com

How To Use Acupuncture For Arthritis Treatment

For centuries, the history of acupuncture treatment for arthritis has been with us. It provides many pain sufferers with an added or alternative form of relief of their pain. Even though it cannot purposefully succeed on its own, nevertheless it is tested and proven to give great relief to those who need it.

On every occasion when your joints feel like burning up or when you feel like they're starting to inflame and grow to be tender, start with your acupuncture therapy and see how it can greatly reduces the pain that you feel. Usually, patients who use both medication and acupuncture for arthritis state that they are easily alleviated from the discomfort as compared to that of using the drugs alone. For this reason, they should be considered by the pain bearers.

Arthritis is an illness usually experienced by the aging population. Needle piercing is relatively popular among this age group for the reason that they say that it works best in relieving them of pain. Knee arthritis and osteoporosis are two of the recognized treatments sought after by the aging group.

Acupuncture osteoarthritis is performed for the purpose not to eliminate the disease but to control its symptoms. Take for example, if successive they are instituted, there would be more chances of pain relief. But if done sporadically, there would be smaller chances for you to get symptomatically healed.

Many people may find osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis confusing. To clarify it further, osteoarthrtiris more often than not targets the older age group and usually affects the hips most of the time. In contrast, rheumatoid arthritis targets the younger population and points to the small joints as the main problem. Even though both are bone problems, yet they are different when it comes to acupuncture treatment. The placement of the needles is also different for each of the classification, and the number of needles to be used is not the same as well. Besides, the sessions to be performed also vary greatly depending on the severity of the disease and depending on the required time by your therapists. Again, if it is done at regular sessions, there would be greater chances that you will get cured from the painful symptoms of arthritis.

In most cases, the effectiveness of the treatment lies on the willingness of the person to get cured. If one is strong-minded enough to persevere on to complete the course of acupuncture and arthritis treatment, then it would be a lot easier to get cured from the pains of the disease.

Cindy Heller is a professional writer. To learn more about the benefits of acupunture treatment and how to use it for pain relief and weight loss, please visit http://acupuncturetreatmentinfo.com

How To Use Acupuncture For Pain Relief

Acupuncture is becoming more accepted as a legitimate way to treat a whole host of illnesses. It is yet still not completely accepted by everyone in the medical world. This is basically because of a lack of proper studies proving the effectiveness of acupuncture.

Acupuncture has been used to take care of a many different types of pain. It has in recent times been proven to be effective in treating lower back pain. Over the years it has been used to care for arthritis related joint pain, osteoarthritis, and knee injuries. Actually it is seen as most effective when treating pain stemming from injuries.

There are a lot of people who claim to get relief from acupuncture while others do not. The reason for this may be the nature of the pain and the skillfulness of the practitioner in diagnosing the problem. Understanding the former and choosing the latter may facilitate to effectively treat back pain.

Chronic pain is somewhat that a large percentage of the population suffers from. Many people lives through the pain and unable to find relief in any way. Acupuncture for pain relief may now offer some patients a way to discover relief from chronic pain. Acupuncture for pain has now found acceptance in Europe as a rightful way to treat pain and is even covered by health insurance in Germany.

Nevertheless it has not quite received the same level of acceptance everywhere else in the world. Many still consider it as an alternative medicine though there are new trials and studies that show promising results. This could be the answer for people who have not been able to live devoid of pain for years.

Patellofemoral pain syndrome is a general type of knee pain; it is particularly common in young adults who are active in sports. It affects many people and there is no clear cause of it.

In spite of this seemingly clear link between knee pain and physical activity, yet there seems to be no clear link between the damage to knee cartilage and knee pain. Acupuncture chronic pain treatments are seen as an unconventional way to treat knee pain. It is preferable than by means of medication and may have long term lasting effects.

Acupuncture neck pain treatments are seen as a form of effective way to deal with neck pain. It is moreover considered more effective, even if marginally, than massage therapy. If the neck pain is happen to be caused by an injury of some kind then relief can be found within a few sessions.

Cindy Heller is a professional writer. To learn more about the benefits of acupunture treatment and how to use it for pain relief and weight loss, please visit http://acupuncturetreatmentinfo.com

Are Vitamins For Thyroid Health Beneficial?

By Greg Brunetto

Supplements and vitamins for thyroid health are an ideal alternative to doctor visits and prescription medications. There's a variety of different thyroid hormone replacement drugs on the pharmaceutical marketplace. They're expensive medicines composed of man-made ingredients with very little (if any) natural ingredients. While the thyroid is responsible for some complex tasks, it does not require a complex diet to keep it healthy. When these diet needs can't be met, vitamins for thyroid health are highly recommended.

What is the thyroid gland and what does it do? The thyroid is a little gland with a huge responsibility. Among many things, it's responsible for maintaining your metabolism. When the thyroid runs amok, it can wreak havoc on the body. This is why thyroid health is essential for normal bodily function and healthy living.

The thyroid gland is located below the Adam's Apple in the lower front of the throat below the larynx and above the collar bone. The thyroid gland creates hormones to control the body's metabolic processes.

A daily supplement of vitamins for thyroid health will allow for optimal thyroid function. Minerals along with a couple grams of Vitamin C and a strong multivitamin is recommended daily, however the multivitamin supplement you take must be of high quality, preferably the kind found at dedicated health stores. Larger national drug store brands such as Centrum or Centrum Silver are not adequate as those types of multivitamins are created as a "one size fits all" solution because the makers try to accommodate to the widest possible consumer base. In other words, nationally advertised multivitamins simply do not have the potency or bioavailability that thyroid sufferers need.

Why take vitamins for thyroid health?

*All natural and safe; no side effects.

*They're available over-the-counter (no prescription).

*Cheap when compared to doctor visits and prescriptions.

About the Author:

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A Guide On Acupuncture Treatment

The record of acupuncture begins in China. It has been performed for thousands of years in Asian countries. This practice involves using needles at specific points on the body to alleviate specific symptoms. But besides this, there is also a more spiritual side to the process. The idea of yin and yang, or two opposing and complementary forces that work simultaneously is a big part of the medicine as well.

Acupuncture treatment in the United State wasn't really recognized until 1971 when a New York Times reporter named James Reston wrote about the experience he had with acupuncture when he was in China. The technique was used in order to ease pain after a surgery. The process is well synchronized in the United States by the FDA and has requirements for the process. The needles being used must be sterile, nontoxic, and labeled for single use only. The practitioner must be qualified too. These are basic things to think about when you are looking to visit a practitioner at an treatment center.

The foundation of acupuncture and herbal medicine is the idea that there is an energy flow that runs throw our body. This idea is alike to the conception of charkas in the body that is utilized in Indian medicine and yoga. It is said that if the energy in the body is insufficient, unbalanced, or agitated then the body will becomes ill.

Our symptoms are a sign indicating that something has interrupted the natural flow of energy in the body. To rectify this, acupuncture and Chinese medicine is used. The treatment involves the insertion of needles into certain points of the body. Some people believe this will help to release endorphins in the body and it can help to alleviate stress in some cases and calm the body.

There are certain pathways within the body that can help to channel the energy in the body. These pathways can become blocked at some point of time, unbalanced, or deficient in some way. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can be used to bring back the pathways to their proper balance. Occasionally herbs are burned and the properties of the herbs can help with the therapy to restore the balance of the body.

Acupuncture Needles

Needles may appear scary to some people but they are a necessary part of the treatment and Chinese medicine. The needles used will be different in length, width, and shape. Depending on where the needle will be used and inserted and the purpose of the treatment the needle will also vary. At times electrical impulses in very small amounts are sent through the needles. This type of acupuncture is usually used when treating pain or trying to stop pain.

Cindy Heller is a professional writer. To learn more about the benefits of acupunture treatment and how to use it for pain relief and weight loss, please visit http://acupuncturetreatmentinfo.com

Understanding Shingles Pain as a Symptom

By Rashel Dan

People suffering from shingles do not just get rashes. These people also suffer extreme shingles pain. What is shingles pain and how can it affect you?

Pain Before the Rashes

Contrary to popular belief, shingles is not signaled by just the outbreak of rashes. The first real sign of shingles is shingles pain. The reason why shingles pain occurs first before the rashes is that damage to the nerves happens first.

The virus which causes chicken pox usually gets stored in a nerve near the spinal cord once an individual recuperates from chicken pox. When the virus is reactivated, it can cause the nerve to become inflamed which is the initial cause of shingles pain. As the virus travels to the skin and becomes obvious as rashes, the pain may begin to worsen. The degree and constancy of the pain however varies from one individual to another.

Post Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN)

In some cases, the shingles pain may even persist long after the shingles rashes disappear. This is a condition known as post herpetic neuralgia. It is believed that the initial swelling of the nerve may result in the nerve defensively releasing substance P which is the known signal for pain. People with severe shingles may have severely damaged nerves, thus resulting in chronic shingles pain known as post herpetic neuralgia.

Age and PHN

It is an accepted fact that older people have higher chances of suffering from shingles than younger people. This is because older individuals have weaker immune systems due to the natural ageing of their bodies' systems. There is also a possibility that older people with shingles as well as those who have low stress tolerance have a greater chance of suffering from post herpetic neuralgia. The reasons for this are unclear but it is possible that PHN is also still linked with the body's level of immunity and capacity for self healing.

Treatment of PHN

There is really no clear cure for shingles pain that has progressed to PHN. It is possible though to ease this chronic shingles pain and possibly even prevent it. Some suggest that early shingles treatment can reduce the possibility of developing PHN.

Treatments for the condition would include pain relievers and anti viral medications. For those who already have PHN, doctors may prescribe a number of medications which include antidepressants, lidocaine patches, anticonvulsants and opioids. Further studies are needed to determine how exactly antidepressants work to prevent or ease shingles pain.

Radiation Therapy

PHN may be possibly relieved by radiation. A study conducted for more than two decades showed that people who were given small doses of radiation on the affected nerves experienced relief from PHN. Some participants even experienced more relief from radiation doses than from the usual shingles medications. It is believed that radiation can prevent both inflammation and the increase of the virus. The use of radiation however almost always carries some risks.

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Amazing Enzymes: Serrapeptase Could Be Persistent Pain Solution

By Stanton Conversier

If you endure any kind of pain - episodic, chronic or otherwise - an enzyme known as serratiopeptidase could be the answer for you. This is especially true if you have a desire to avoid, or are experiencing any side effects of, the medication you currently use for pain management. Whether you take prescription or otc analgesics, serratiopeptidase is a sensible, natural alternative with no known after effects.

Serrapeptase, also known as serratiopeptidase, is a proteolytic (that is, having the ability to break down proteins into simpler compounds) enzyme which is naturally present in the silkworm intestine. Now, before you head for the hills, shouting, "I'll be darned if I'm taking anything that came from inside a worm!" - allow me to clarify: The type that is accessible to/by consumers today is prepared through breaking down of plant-based enzymes, and is typically of such purity that it is acceptable even for use by vegetarians.

Serrapeptase has been dispensed regularly for nearly 40 years in numerous Asian and European countries; in Germany and Austria for instance, it is available strictly by prescription. Fortunately, in the U.S. and elsewhere it is much more readily available. In all honesty, it is so safe, that it can be consumed by children and pregnant/nursing women; even pet owners have reported good results.

Chronic inflammation is causative of countless ailments, including headaches, joint and muscle pain (from over-exertion, or in conditions such as fibromyalgia or arthritis) and ultimately, even more acute maladies such as heart disease and cancer. Unlike traditional pain meds, which are intended to only ease the inflammation, serratiopeptidase actually dissolves fibrin. This is another term for protein deposits, which often remain and keep on causing pain and soreness even after you've healed from an injury or other stress.

As previously stated, serratiopeptidase has no known side effects - unlike naproxen, aspirin, ibuprofen, and other nonprescription NSAIDs. (Acetaminophen, while not considered an NSAID, is a very popular otc pain medication which has also been shown in studies to have undesirable side effects.) These non-prescription analgesics have been known to cause stomach, kidney, liver, and even cardiac problems, particularlyes when taken on a regular basis, and long-term.

Making matters worse, some drugs prescribed by doctors - NSAIDs in particlular - have had even more acute after effects. The news reports in recent years regarding these cases have, in fact, been widespread. The "bad press" (and ensuing litigation) have been largely responsible for the withdrawal from the marketplace of a number of these medications.

Germs and bacteria, for many years, have been responsible for some of the most dreaded diseases in existence; long-term inflammation was simply not considered a significant factor. And while powerful medications - antibiotics included - have successfully combated and even defeated such ailments, these weapons have proven double-edged in many cases. That is, the stronger the meds administered, the more resistant and stubborn some of the diseases have become.

The emergence of serratiopeptidase as a viable option is being embraced by so many who've struggled with pain and inflammation for so long. At last, this amazing enzyme offers an alternative to the seemingly endless pain-and-pill-popping cycle. Watch for more articles on serrapeptase and other enzymes, which are proving to be more useful every day in battling the things that ail us.

About the Author:

Angina - What Is It and Are There Natural Remedies for Angina?

The term angina generally refers to the tightening sensation, which for some is painful, experienced in the body. There are several sub classes of angina and it depends on the location of the tightening or discomfort. Bowelgina is experienced in the abdominal area and this is otherwise known as Abdominal Angina.

Another life-threatening kind of angina is the Ludwig's angina. This is due to an infection on the floor of the mouth commonly caused by dental infections. The most common use of the term angina refers to Angina pectoris. This is the heavy distress experienced in the chest area.

Symptoms of angina are hard to distinguish from normal chest pain like heartburn but there are certain signs that tell you that are having an angina attack. Different people would describe angina differently. Most would say that it is not very painful but just a big discomfort.

Words used to describe angina are choking sensation, heaviness of the chest, tightening, squeezing or even burning on the torso area. This feeling lasts between one to five minutes. If it is shorter or longer, most probable it is not Angina pectoris. Best way to know is to get an ECG.

There are 2 types of angina. The first one is Stable Angina. It refers to the demonstration of the symptoms after activities which exert once self like jogging or lifting a heavy weight.

The other is Unstable Angina which occurs without provocation. You can be at rest; it can be sudden and also escalating. This is due to blood clots being released from the blood vessels.

Basically angina is just a symptom of a heart condition known as myocardial ischemia. It comes from the tightening, narrowing or blocking of the blood vessels specifically the arteries providing oxygenated blood to the heart.

When there are too much deposits of fat on the arteries the smaller the passage of blood becomes and the less blood flow is permitted. Also the higher the concentration of bad cholesterol there is the thicker the consistency of blood becomes.

Understanding this, the most common cure used is aspirin. Aspirin is a blood thinner which makes blood flow easier to different parts of the body. This also helps dissolve small blood clots causing angina pains.

Other treatments include administration of magnesium. For mild angina oral magnesium with B vitamins provide relief of this symptom. For more severe cases magnesium injections are recommended.

Food therapy also helps. For extreme cases, a low fat vegetarian diet may just save your life. Eating salads with dark green leaves such as spinach, kale, mustard greens and turnip greens are advised. Also stay away from too much dressing.

Juice therapy with cantaloupe juice is said to cure most angina pains. The adenosine compound found in the juice of fresh cantaloupe helps thin the blood.

With all these natural treatments for angina, most doctors, if not all, will still tell you that the best and safest cure is prevention. Exercise helps a lot in preventing heart disease and symptoms that can cause discomfort.

Doing regular cardio workouts help strengthen the heart. Proper is the only way to eat. Stay away from food with too much cholesterol. You can eat anything, but in moderation and nutritionally balanced.

Dee Braun, a single mom of 6, is a Cert. Aromatherapist and natural health practitioner. Click now to visit Health or High Water at http://www.HealthOrHighWater.com/ where you'll find info to improve your health using nutritional supplements to battle the ravages of time, poor nutrition, & toxins.

Monday, December 22, 2008

An Array of Uses for Essential Oils

Essential oils are quite useful for all sorts of purposes. If you have never thought too much about using essential oils, then you may think that they are only for scenting yoga rooms or for people that shun medical care. This is just not true. Essential oils have a wide array of uses and once you do a little research, you will find yourself exploring these wonderful oils for yourself.

What can essential oils do for you?

There are many ways that you can use essential oils. One of the first things you should know is that when you want to use them, you have to understand how to use them and which ones are right for the purpose you need. There are literally hundreds of different essential oils out there and each one has its own unique purpose. Understand this before you start buying a lot of oils.

Medicinal purposes: One of the most popular uses for essential oils is for medicinal purposes. You can use everything from tea tree oil to lavender to help heal the mind and body. Use correctly, tea tree oil can ward off lice, take the sting out of bug bites, soothe a burn and even disinfect your laundry. Lavender, peppermint, carrot seed and many others are just as useful for medicinal purposes.

You can use them to bust up chest congestion, clear the sinus passages and help you relax and sleep better at night. Add well chosen essential oils to your bath water and they will melt away your tired, aching muscles. Add these to your daily treatment and regimen and they will leave you feeling ready to conquer the world in no time at all.

Make yourself beautiful: Essential oils are also popular for your beauty treatments and routine. The right kind of essential oils can be added to lotions and soaps to help give you healthy, glowing skin. Lip balms can also get an added punch with good quality essential oils. Need a good facial treatment or toner? Look no further than your favorite essential oil for this reason, too.

Tea tree oil can help fit off acne, giving you a radiant feel. Mix your favorite smelling essential oil with a good carrier and you have just created your very own personalized perfume that is all for you.

Make your home shine: You can also use essential oils in your home. There are many of these oils (such as lavender) that when added to your wash cycle, will give your towels and sheets a fresh, clean smell. You can clean and disinfect your home using diluted peppermint and tea tree oil, too. It is a natural antiseptic that is safe for everyone in your home.

There are also plenty of essential oils that can help clean your counter tops, sanitize your dishes and even help reduce airborne allergies in your home. Make sure you understand how to use these oils the right way before using the oils for cleaning. If not use correctly, some oils can stain your clothes and furniture.

Essential oils are very popular - and for good reason. With all of these uses, it is no wonder why people love popular essential oils.

Dee Braun is a Cert. Aromatherapist & Dr. of Reflexology who teaches Aromatherapy, Reflexology & Color/Crystal Therapy at http://www.AlternativeHealingAcademy.com/. Visit the Alternative Healing Academy, which offers home study courses in several natural healing methods. Payment plans are available!

Anti Gout Diet Tips

By Rashel Dan

Looking for anti gout diet means preventing gout for life. This is not such an impossible task. Diet does play a large role in controlling and preventing gout, so depending on your daily intake, you can either increase or reduce your risk of gout.

A gout may be acquired since birth, from family history or caused by obesity and other health factors. It is also more prevalent among men and those who are 40 to 60 years of age. If you can relate to any of these then you may want to focus on preventive measures.

An anti gout diet primarily consists of low-purine foods.

Purines are highly associated with foods high in fats and proteins. Vegetable oils, greasy burgers and fatty fish are all high in purines, so you should avoid fried foods and naturally fatty produce. Basically, high purine content is found in almost all kinds of food: pork, beef, chicken, turkey, salmon, tuna, oysters, scallops, creams, eggs, peas and beans. But there are ways to have a low-purine diet and are illustrated below:

Eat more fruits and vegetables as part of your anti gout diet.

Many fruits and vegetables are rich in potassium. Potassium regulates electrolytes in the body and has the ability to get rid of uric acid crystals from the blood. Potassium-rich fruits are bananas, avocados, apricots and cantaloupe. High-potassium vegetables include spinach, potatoes, asparagus, beets and pumpkin.

Begin your anti gout diet now.

Prepare low-fat protein foods for breakfast. For example, drink low-fat milk and utilize only egg whites when cooking. Add onions and garlic for taste and use low-fat butter or margarine. High-protein foods that are low in fat have been found to be safe. Quench your thirst with vegetable juice or concentrated blackberry juice.

Include lemon juice at lunch for cleansing. Lemon juice is filled with vitamin C and antioxidants to help flush your body from unwanted uric acids. Couple the drink with a hearty salad and meal using tofu to replace red meat or chicken, finely chopped fresh garlic and extra virgin olive oil.

For dinner, go for baked or grilled lean meat in a foil to retain moisture. Pair with potatoes and steamed spinach. After dinners make sure to have a bowl of cherries, berries or grapes on the side.

More tips for your anti gout diet:

Watch your weight. Gout has been linked with health problems such as diabetes and obesity. Slowly restrict calories by introducing more of the gout preventing foods mentioned earlier. Avoid crash diets as these can actually trigger gout flare-ups. A good anti gout diet is always a balanced diet.

Drink several glasses of water everyday. 8-10 glasses daily is ideal. Water dilutes uric acid (a cause of gout) and rids them from the body. Cloudy urine means you have high acid content in your body and this is not a healthy sign. Clear urine suggests that you are properly hydrated and well on your way to good health.

About the Author:

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Would You Believe That Cinnamon Will Lower Blood Pressure?

A study at the University of Georgetown as reported in the American College of Nutrition (2006) showed for the first time that cinnamon will lower systolic blood pressure. In addition Dr. Richard Anderson from the US Department of Agriculture concurs.

Now this is not the cinnamon (ground or sticks) that you can buy in your local supermarket. The research further shows that cinnamon extract can reduce serum cholesterol and also will maintain favorable blood glucose levels. In fact this is the first time that positive effects on blood pressure have been seen from the supplementation of a cinnamon extract.

One of the problems that had to be considered in the research was the quantity of cinnamon that was necessary to get the desired effect - it was one heaping teaspoon which is equivalent to 18 capsules. That brought up two issues - that's a lot of caps and the average person is not going to consistently take that many caps a day; and taking that much cinnamon had the potential of serious side effects like bronchial constriction, skin rashes and inflammation. Obviously another approach was needed.

The research continued in an effort to answer the cinnamon question and it was found in a specific cinnamon extract which eliminated the roadblocks that were encountered before. This extract operates at the cellular and molecular level.

One of the issues with doing an extract is that if chemical solvents, including alcohol, may include photochemicals that can be toxic at higher doses. The ideal method is to use a process that does not use any chemical solvents. To do this the extract is done with a water-soluble polyphenol polymer called Type-A polymers.

Cinnamon extract alone will not supply a complete supplement. A complimentary array of nutrients such as chromium picolinate, fenugreek extract, grape seed extract, vanadium bipperiene(R) and a strong blend of black pepper extract improves nutrient bioavailability.

"Addition to diets of cinnamon (eight percent w/w) reduced the systolic blood pressure of rats eating sucrose containing diets to virtually the same levels as SHR consuming non sucrose containing (only starch) diets," wrote lead author Dr. Harry Preuss from Georgetown University Medical Center.

We all should know that high blood pressure is dangerous because it makes the heart work too hard and contributes to atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). It increases the risk of heart disease and stroke, which are the first- and third-leading causes of death among Americans. High blood pressure also can result in other conditions, such as congestive heart failure, kidney disease, and blindness.

Most medical professionals advise that a blood pressure level of 140/90 mmHg or higher is considered high. Approximately 65% of people over age 65 have high blood pressure. If your blood pressure is between 120/80 mmHg and 139/89 mmHg, then you have prehypertension. This means that you don't have high blood pressure yet but are likely to develop it in the future. You must adopt healthy lifestyle changes. Physical activity is one of the most important thins you can do to prevent and/or control high blood pressure which will also reduce the risk of heart disease.

Physical activity is absolutely mandatory regardless of how many supplements or drugs are taken.

Work into your daily activities like: taking the stairs instead of the elevator, park at the far end of the mall's parking lot instead of circling the parking lot for 5 minutes looking for the closest parking, and take a 10 minute walk after lunch and dinner.

Joni Bell has many years of extensive study in the area of natural cancer prevention and treatment. He has numerous success stories of people being diagnosed living cancer free with use of alternative methods. http://apricotpower-info.com/

Friday, December 19, 2008

The Largest Benefit of Probiotics

Most consumers constantly try to keep their world sterile. Such harmful microscopic germs and viruses as influenza and pneumonia keep parents on constant guard. Few parents are informed of the benefits of probiotic bacteria to their babies and children. These friendly organisms help before, during and after any illness or medication regimen.

Probiotics play an important role in baby's life even as they develop in the womb. Babies receive a natural boost of them into their own bodies as they pass through the birth canal. These friendly organisms help babies in the same ways they help adults. It is important for parents to understand that nature has already placed hundreds of similar microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract of all mammals. This is a natural defense against pathogens or harmful bacteria.

These defense bacteria create a barrier along the lining of the tract. This helps prevent harmful invaders from lodging themselves. Probiotics also stimulate the existing immune system. They help the body by stimulating production of various B vitamins as well as vitamin K. These organisms go even further by producing enzymes necessary for a healthy digestive system.

Probiotics are reported to help baby deal with common allergens and allergic reactions such as hay fever, eczema, and asthma. Breast-fed babies receive a natural boost from mother's milk. The rates of colic and other digestive problems are less in babies who have been breast-fed. There are existing formulas that contain additives with these bacteria. Parents should consult with their pediatrician before changing formulas.

These naturally occurring microorganisms are commonly found in yogurt. They can also be used in:

* Cottage cheeses

* Aged cheeses

* Certain pickles

* Some fruit juices

Probiotics are easily purchased in supplemental forms as well. They are currently available in health food stores as chewable tablets, powders, capsules, or in granulated forms. They are all taken orally and the majority work just as effectively when mixed with food or liquid.

One large benefit these helpful microorganisms have on babies is the replenishment of helpful bacteria lost from diarrhea. There are already a host of natural helpful organisms in a baby's digestive system. This delicate balance may become unbalanced from a variety of reasons.

Antibiotics help the body to fight off infections and illness. The antibiotics themselves will not distinguish between good and bad bacteria. Your baby can lose a number of the good one in their system. Common colds and the stomach flu also lessen the number of helpful organisms in a baby's system.

A supplement may help regulate your baby's body after these health problems. Probiotics have also been reported to lessen lactose intolerance in babies who have allergies. They may enhance your baby's immune system and boost their current levels of antioxidants.

Thrush is a common worry for parents. This is a form of yeast infection that is also known as Candida. There is a natural presence of Candida in the body that is kept regulated by natural probiotics. The use of bottles and pacifiers creates a perfect environment for this type of yeast infection. Antibiotics may also increase baby's risk for developing thrush. A good supplement from a trusted company may be the best advantage you can give your growing baby.

Billy Kite is a researcher writing on behalf of http://www.ganedenlabs.com/

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Vitamin C and the Winter Cold

We are more susceptible to colds and flu when the weather grows cold. Your grandmother would say that it is because you don't wear your coat outside whereas some believe that vitamin C in larger doses during the winter months especially can help combat colds, but, does it really help?

It has always been a shared belief that the common cold can be thwarted by taking vitamin C. At the first sign of a cold, taking vitamin C supplements will lessen the symptoms and the duration of the cold. If taken before a cold can set in, often it won't develop at all.

Unfortunately research has shown this to be wishful thinking. Vitamin C has no more of a bearing on the common cold than wearing your coat all the time. Much to our surprise, colds still attack our bodies in spite of popping a few vitamin C lozenges. The one group of people the vitamin C did help in the way of colds were those whose body underwent stresses like well-conditioned athletes who over exert themselves during workouts.

Vitamin C may not have anything positive to do with fighting colds but it does have some remarkable properties that are worth mentioning. We don't need to overdo our consumption of vitamin C but getting the recommended daily allowance will bring with it some amazing things.

First of all, vitamin C is an antioxidant. Antioxidants are hot right now because of their disease fighting properties. Antioxidants fight the damage done to our internal organs by free radicals. Free radicals are by products of cellular reproduction that are unstable in their current form and try to steal what they need from the organs of the body.

Vitamin C helps prevent diseases like cancer and diabetes. It also fights the signs of aging. Vitamin C is a component of many skin renewal creams and lotions on the market.

This nutrient repairs the skin and other organs of the body that sustain damage from daily wear and tear along with the results of stress on the body. It builds up and strengthens the tissues of the body.

Vitamin C can be taken as a supplement but it is better received from the foods we eat. Orange juice is the first thing that springs to mind when we think of getting our daily allowance of Vitamin C.

Other citrus fruits also contain vitamin C, like strawberries. Juices often contain too much sugar. Eating vitamin C in actual fruit form is better tasting and better for you.

Have you had your vitamin C today? It may not prevent the common cold from attacking you this winter but it does prevent other things. Your body will look and feel better with a diet completed by vitamin C.

Dee Braun, a single mom of 6, is a Certified Aromatherapist and natural health practitioner. Click now to visit Remedies4.com at http://www.Remedies4.com/ - a large directory full of free natural health ebooks covering common ailments, illnesses, health conditions and natural healing techniques.

Herbal Remedies For Depression Discussion

When it comes to depression we all have our times we are not feeling our best and are a little bit down. For many people it can be a good idea to take a look at some of the herbal remedies for depression that have been discussed over the ages. These can be of great help for calming the mind and a nice initial step before attempting the use of expensive antidepressant drugs.

It must be understood upfront that anyone experiencing serious depression should seek out a qualified medical doctor to make sure that you're getting the best treatment possible. Herbal solutions can be of great addition to your general health and reducing the symptoms of depression, but working with a professional is always the best route if there are any real concerns of prolonged or strong feelings of depression.

Herbal remedies have been a source of health treatments for thousands of years whether it was through an ancient Chinese method or from our Native American heritage. Just like prescribed medicine they need to be taken in the right dosage to make sure they have the best effect without having any negative side effects. One of the great things about them being natural remedies is that the tendency for a negative reaction is less from the natural substance in something that is manufactured, as long as nothing is taken in too extreme of dosage.

With this in mind let's take a look at some of the most popular herbal remedies for depression.

Kinko biloba has been shown to research to help stimulate blood flow to the brain. This added blood flow can be extremely helpful in elevating a depressed individuals mood. In fact, ginkgo biloba is considered one of the most helpful herbal remedies when it comes to depression.

St. Johns wort is another well researched and often talked about natural supplement. For many it is almost even been considered a sort of wonder drug. Its effect in the treatment of depressed patients has been shown to be quite dramatic but many further studies will be needed until it can have the full seal of approval from the medical field. While it may not work for everyone, St. Johns wort should be considered for anyone who is concerned about their mental health.

Ginseng, especially Siberian ginseng, has been talked about as a wonderful supplement that will improve the brain function by enhancing the stability of the neurotransmitters in your head. Aside from showing benefits and improving abstract thoughts and enhancing the immune system, the effect on depression seems to be that helps the brain and the body adjusts better in times of crisis.

These are a few examples of the various herbal remedies that have been researched and used over thousands of years. Make sure when choosing your herbal remedy for depression that you do not have any allergic reactions to herbs you are taking, which can best be done by starting out with a very low dosage and increasing later on to recommended levels.

James helps people understand the benefits of an herbal remedy. You can read more of his work by visiting http://herbalknowledge.com