Monday, August 11, 2008

Treating Allergy Symptoms

By Dorothy Medlum

Allergies are growing rapidly in today's generation. These range in a variety of sources from chemicals, foods, flowers, grasses, and environmental products. You rarely meet anyone who hasn't had an allergy to something.

Being aware of your allergy symptoms and knowing how to treat the underlying causes creating them are two necessary components of finding an effective solution to increased health and wellness.

There are many solutions that people have for treating allergy symptoms, but the problem with these solutions is that they are oftentimes short-lived. They only provide a band-aid to what the real problem is. Only patience and knowledge help one overcome debilitating allergies.

What Are The Common Allergy Symptoms?

Common allergy symptoms are daily seen by doctors throughout the world. The nasal passages being continually clogged and/or draining and headaches are usually symptoms of chronic sinusitis, the most frequent sign of an allergy.

A variety of over-the-counter and prescription medications are available to help stop these reactions and inflammation. Eye drops are often used to take the redness and irritation away from the eyes.

Natural approaches can also be used as an option to allergy symptoms. When dealing with allergies, a variety of herbs can be most affective. An example of a helpful herb is milk thistle which is used to cleanse the liver and help it function more properly.

Other allergy symptoms cause more delayed-type reactions that can occur even weeks after an exposure. Having this type of allergy is not only difficult to diagnose it can also cause problems for the sufferer for years to come. Allergy symptoms of this type include gastro-intestinal issues such as: irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, or diarrhea. Many of these are caused by certain foods that the body is reacting against and need to have eliminated from the diet.

Allergy symptoms to certain chemicals or food additives can be equated to mental problems such as attention deficit and depression. By using dietary intervention or acupuncture, the root causes of these allergy symptoms may be found. This is helpful in providing long-term relief. There is not always a "quick-fix" answer to allergy symptoms, the underlying cause has to be discovered and then dealt with no matter how long. This eventually leads to better health for a longer period of time, at last!

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